
Funny dog/cat story

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Our new bengal kitten loves our dog (doxen/pom mix). They are best friends, but sometimes (pretty much constantly) the kitten terrorizes the dog, chases him around, jumps on his back, bites him. Luckily the dog is very gentle and puts up with it. Today we had the dog groomed and told the groomer to cut him short so that the kitten has less hair to grab onto. When I brought him home the kitten didn't recognize him, hissed and growled at him and kept her distance. It was hysterical. I was surprised though cuz I thought animals knew each other by smell. Guess they go by looks too :S.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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Here's a funny dog/niece story:

My niece Haley turned 5 last week. She's kind of tiny for her age, but she's got a huge personality. Well their family dog is a 100lb Akita named Jake. When Jake and Haley are standing up they are literally face to face. Anyway, she was playing with her Barbie kitchen and Jake kept getting in her way trying to get her attention. She got so furious, she ordered Jake to sit down NOW! Well, Jake immediately sat down with his huge face still at her level. He then gave her a big sloppy lick right up her face. Haley's response to Jake as firm as can be: "Jake, I will not be licked by you unless I say I will be licked by you". Poor Jake, he felt so immasculated.:D


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Bengal kitty???

Yikes...when kitty wants a snack....run!!!!!

Yeah, bengal. We've had kittens before but the bengal kitten is a lot fiestier. She can be the sweetest kitten, but when she is ready to play...watch out!!

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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Pictures are so much better then words.

Moshe is the new addition to my family.

The other pictures are my girlfriend, Pam's cat over Thanksgiving.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Pictures are so much better then words.

Moshe is the new addition to my family.

The other pictures are my girlfriend, Pam's cat over Thanksgiving.

Well, I'll be damned!
Not only did I not know that cats wear contact lenses,
but I also didn't know they could be tumble dried.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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ok...funny but disturbing dog story... my boxer was 10 months old. I saw her scamperin around with some weird look on her face. I went over to see what was going on and I saw a piece of string comin out of her butt. I grabbed a paper towel and proceded to remove this string. On the end of it was a piece of cotton (wonder what it was). Turns out someone left this object in the bathroom garbage can and she had gotten in to the trash as most dogs like to do. Pretty gross huh? I thought it was funny though.

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