Cingular Phones graphic downloads

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Just downloaded a new screen saver for my cellular phone. There is three different skydiving ones. Two skysurfing ones and a big way RW one. I now have a skysurfer as my screen saver on my phone. Technology is a beautiful thing.;)

You dont't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when.......You can only decide how you're going to live........NOW.
-BASE 1605 Night BASE 227

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I am not sure....The pics are real small and are hard to make out a face. There are three on the cingular website along with some RW pics.

You dont't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when.......You can only decide how you're going to live........NOW.
-BASE 1605 Night BASE 227

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Just downloaded a new screen saver for my cellular phone. There is three different skydiving ones. Two skysurfing ones and a big way RW one. I now have a skysurfer as my screen saver on my phone. Technology is a beautiful thing.;)

Wow congratulations sound like your cell's have FINALLY come of age
In two or three years you might just be up to the standard in other countries:D:D

Gone fishing

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YEP....I am sure we are behind in technology a little bit compared to you guys. Your closer to Japan than we are.:P

JAPAN!! cell phone technology is 90% northern European. Here the marketing is very different most companies
give you the phone free an change it for a newer model after 18 months (free) 99% of the phones are tri band
alot of them have camera video and MP3, Contracts are free just pay for the calls you make.

Gone fishing

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