
cutaway a rent rig, lost main, who pay?

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The ONLY fair way to everyone is to have the user pay for -all- replacement and repack costs.

The reasoning is that a careful user should not have to pay higher rental fees to cover the costs incurred by users not interested in finding the gear. Same goes for sloppy packing.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I would hafta agree w/ most everyone else, you should pay it since you were the one who lost the canopy. Now when it comes to reserve repacks, if you have a really sweet rigger you might not have to pay for the repack. B| (but you still owe him his favorite bottle)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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what happen at ur dz if u LOST the main after a cutaway?- on a rent rig
who pay it?
or what happen if u have a cypress fire on a rent rig
who pay the reserve repack and other costs?
just curious

Check the rental agreement that you signed, if you signed one at all.

If you signed an RA then you are obligated to do whatever the RA says; it's a contract between you and the DZO. If this did not happen before you used the rental gear, then you need to make an arragement with the DZO for restitution.

Try not to go for buying the DZ a completely new main if that wasn't a brand new main you were jumping. The value of the main depreciated before you jumped it, so what you should be paying should be less than the original cost. The DZO is not going to let you get a main, its his rental gear. So talk with the DZO and ask about your options.

Example: If the new one is going to cost $1,000 and the one in the rig was due to be replaced May of next year and is 2 years old, has had some punctures fixed and been relined, you may just need to contribute less than $500 towards the cost of a new one.

If that was a new main in that rig... oh boy... try to make a deal with the DZO. You could buy the complete rig off the DZO and that becomes your new rig! Stick a new main in and buy an AAD for it.

I'm sure you'll work something out. If this is your home DZ, your DZO wouldn't spill milk over something like this.

Hmm maybe I can start a gear insurance company for skydivers who keep losing their shit? :P

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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As a follow up... I pulled silver on a rent rig. Lost one handle and had to pay for that and also paid the repack costs. The reserve had to be replaced which the DZ ate that cost. Considering there wasn't an AAD in it when I used the reserve I think it was something like $60 bucks I had to pay, nothing major.

It was the hospital bill copay for out-of-network emergency care that really got me. Who'd a thunk it would cost $400 to put a shoulder back into a socket? I can do it on my own when I dislocate it now and it costs me $0!

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Who'd a thunk it would cost $400 to put a shoulder back into a socket? I can do it on my own when I dislocate it now and it costs me $0!

Yikes. I almost passed out when i was in the ER with someone while he got his shoulder put back in place.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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What gets me is that some people treat rental gear like they do rental cars.

Hey that would be ok, if there were optional insurance avaliable. Don't buy it? then you pay. Buy it? you're cool......
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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As a follow up... I pulled silver on a rent rig. Lost one handle and had to pay for that and also paid the repack costs. The reserve had to be replaced which the DZ ate that cost. Considering there wasn't an AAD in it when I used the reserve I think it was something like $60 bucks I had to pay, nothing major.

It was the hospital bill copay for out-of-network emergency care that really got me. Who'd a thunk it would cost $400 to put a shoulder back into a socket? I can do it on my own when I dislocate it now and it costs me $0!

Wow! This does not sound like it was the average cutaway!

I was gonna ask why it was so hard to keep the handle, because it wasn't even a thought when I had my only cutaway back in October... but whatever happened to you seems to have been a bit more trying!

What went on??

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Who'd a thunk it would cost $400 to put a shoulder back into a socket? I can do it on my own when I dislocate it now and it costs me $0!

Yikes. I almost passed out when i was in the ER with someone while he got his shoulder put back in place.

Shit, I would love to have seen that! Me, all I've ever seen was some guy who worked in the kitchen when I was working at TGIFriday's get a few stitches in the base of his thumb after he stabbed it while cutting avocados. [:\]

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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An exception to that rule is with student gear when you are a student at that school. I had a cutaway on my 4th solo, I was high and way out, so the main ended up at least 2 miles away - we never found the freebag. They had to get the otter to fly around and find the main. I ended up almost to the prison, as the toggle lines were long and they did nothing with slight input, so I let the wind have me and drifted like 4 miles south. :S

Anyway, Al Gramando was real cool about it, and I was fair too, I spent 3 hurs looking for the GD thing along with them. I was going to get my own truck the next morning out there and spend my gas loking for it if we didn't find it. We got it just before sunset.

Anyway, I guess student gear is usually a bit different since they are kinda responsible for you.

I had a cutaway there about a year and a half ago with my own gear - followed it down and the chop handle, which I dropped, was even near the main - how friken lucky for a 5k chop. :)

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I think it should depend on how much the rental costs. If it is rented for non profit (covers gear depreciation + replacement) then I think the rentee should pay for anything that gets lost.

Conversly, if the rig operates on a profit then I think the DZ should cover anything that gets lost.

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I don't get it....assuming that the DZ is doing the packing and maintenance, if rental gear had a mal why should the jumper have to pay if the main is not found? Lost handles I can see, but all the rest for something beyond the jumper's control?

I mean you can't control when you will have the mal, you can't control where the main lands and you definitely can't control the need to pull the reserve....to me is should be a cost of doing business.

Sorry DZOs....you know we love you and couldn't get along without you but......

PS: to the comment about abusing rental gear.....If I was a DZO and I caught someone abusing my gear....Zip, Bingo, you're gone! Just call me a hard-ass.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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