
cutaway a rent rig, lost main, who pay?

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(I'm not a DZO, and don't jump rental gear, so take it for what it's worth) I would think that a DZ would/should insure its gear for loss/damage, as a factory would on shop equipment.

If the cutaway is due to gross negligence of the DZ (shitty packjob, worn out gear)-renter ought not be liable. If gear is 100% servicable, and the cutaway is due to negligent conduct by the jumper--renter pays. Something in between--pro-rate it.

DZs operate on tight budgets, yes. But then again, so do most small businesses.

As far as jumpers being "finks"--that's ludicrous... DZ's aren't charities we contribute to, we pay them for the lift to altitude and all the ancillary necessities to allow safe and legal jumps.

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An exception to that rule is with student gear when you are a student at that school.

This is what I was told, .... As a student (during AFF) you could cut away and not worry about it, .. Dont want students worrying about extra costs when they should be cutting I guess.. Once I got off of AFF I had to sign an agreement to rent gear saying that I had to return it the same way I got it, or pay to make it the same... I had no problem with this, and it's no different with my own gear.. Why should you be less responsible just because you dont own your own equipment?

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
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I've been at DZs where rental rigs *must* be backed by DZ staff. If it's a line over or something, it has to be chopped. Is it still fair to make the renter pay or should the waivers have a "reasonableness" clause?

Blue skies and happy landings!

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I've been at DZs where rental rigs *must* be backed by DZ staff. If it's a line over or something, it has to be chopped. Is it still fair to make the renter pay or should the waivers have a "reasonableness" clause?

If you put it on your back and jump it, it's your responsibility regardless of who owns it or who packed it. Don't like a DZ or gear store's "rules" about their rental gear? Don't jump their gear.

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Shit, I would love to have seen that! Me, all I've ever seen was some guy who worked in the kitchen when I was working at TGIFriday's get a few stitches in the base of his thumb after he stabbed it while cutting avocados.

Stay in skydiving, eventually you'll see enough (too many) broken bodies.

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I would think that a DZ would/should insure its gear for loss/damage, as a factory would on shop equipment.

Please let us all know where a DZ or gear store can get insurance on rental skydiving equipment.


DZ's aren't charities we contribute to, we pay them for the lift to altitude and all the ancillary necessities to allow safe and legal jumps.

I pay the dz for a ride to altitude. It's up to me to be sure that my jumps are legal and as safe as I choose to make them.

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what happen at ur dz if u LOST the main after a cutaway?- on a rent rig
who pay it?
or what happen if u have a cypress fire on a rent rig
who pay the reserve repack and other costs?
just curious

Who ever caused the malfunction should pay for it although the gear rental waiver you signed may make it your problem.

If a DZ packer gave you a line over, they should pay for it along with any handles you lost (safety is your first priority).

If you packed it yourself, it's your problem.

A Cypres fire means you were being stupid (whether you got there without another problem, didn't start trying to open at a reasonable altitude, or screwed with something too long) and should pay for the cutter and repack.

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