
Seven bosses in two years...

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I have three months to go here, and they just gave me a new boss. This is the seventh boss I've had (one boss was a repeat.)

I'm not complaining about this change, though, since I'll like working for my new boss better. However, do you think my company has some stability issues? :D
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Maybe not your entire company, but certainly your department.

When there is this much changeover, my guess is that every one of them has left the department in at least slightly worse condition than before -- making a change to put their fingerprints on the department buy cutting something so that they immediately "look good" without worrying about future consequence because they intended to just use the department as a stepping stone anyway.

Or maybe I'm just projecting.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It's a shame it's not like that here in my dept. Company-wide, we have one of the lowest employee turnover rates in the industry, but in MY dept., I've seen turnover rates worse than any other job I've ever had.

If we could just get rid of our idiotic boss, we wouldn't have to keep replacing workers and re-training new ones.
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