
Ever seen a baby being born ?

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wow, just watched a show on HBO called Family Bonds, where they show this woman giving birth. I mean this was graphic - full bush shots and all, with the head crowning and then WHOOSH out it comes with a bunch of other nasty stuff.

WOW!! My g/f cringed watching it, I loved it.. Maybe cause I will never experience such pain in my life. It was damn interesting to say the least.

Oooh.. Pornocopio is on next!! >:( Family show, then Porn show... Great programming scheduling on HBO!!

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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not in person but on video in health class after like half an hour of warnings from the teacher saying if we couldn't be mature about yada yada.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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looking at the tv aint the real thing. standing in the room,your loved is laying in pain,your worryed for her and your baby,when the baby cryes first time i cant help it,dad makes tears...

i saw both my kids beeing born,i also were the first (after the nurse cutted the string) to hold them(their mom couldnt as like a depression).

NOTE: im not whith my kids mom anymore,but were still freinds,people often says that my kids have a need for special contact to me,i wonder if its becourse i first took care of them(huggung them and warm them) the kids rather call me than their mom as they get hurt or sad.

Seeing babys beeing born is a thing i only can recomend ALL fathers to see(help the woman through) i rather loose my right arm than for get thouse 2 days...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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My last son. Wife was bitching at me as I told her I loved her. " You bastard, you did this to me". The placenta on the floor looked like it would make a good liver and onions. Funny part was, it was the nurses first delivery. She said, "I can see the head coming out". I looked down to see a big turd coming out. I said "I can see he's gonna be a real shithead". LOL. True story. And he is.[:/]
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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i was there for both of my kids, but my daughter was an emergency c-section so i didn't actually get to watch, but i did get to hold her for about 5 hours until my ex came out of the anesthetic. i did watch thw whole show when my son was born. not sure if that was a good idea. [unsure]
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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I saw my grandson being born-and honestly came close to puking and passing out! I didn't have mirrors set up when I had my daughter, so I didn't know how gross it could be!
For my part, I know nothing with any certainty,
But the sight of the stars makes me dream.
-Vincent Van Gogh

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I almost fainted in 9th grade watching it on video. Plan parenthood came in to talk to us. So the normal stuff starts happening like the breathing and all that like you see in the movies. All of a sudden a flume of water shoots out from between her legs. Then all the other stuff is happening and a blue/gray baby comes out with stuff all over it. :| Not good. I was expecting the stuff you see in the movies I think. You know..the cleaner and not so graphic childbirth experience. LOL Man.. I stepped outside of class and had to get air. Whew... that's all I can say.

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Stef, I'm pretty sure you're a great dad...

edited to add :
Cornholio, do you actually think looking at a birth on TV, even with closeups and details with surround sound on a wide screen is the same as assisting to a birth ?? If yes, I just did a couple of BASE and wingsuit jumps with Loic Jean Albert... Oh, on TV... With the Soul Flyers...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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:)My son 19 years ago....

.............. very interesting,,,and amazing...
I was up near my wifes shoulder,, and holding her hand,,,,, so I sort of had an "over the top" view...
The doctor was really cool...for the first time I ever saw such a thing......He helped Nance complete the delivery of our daughter,, gave her a quick cleaning,, and held her up,,,,, Just like in the Lion King!!!!! B|;):D and proclaimed
loud and clear,,,, just one word.....
" GIRL!!!!!!!!! " hahahaha....... and since GIRLS!!!! are way UP on my list of favorite things..... You can be sure I was the Proud Papa...:o:ph34r:B|:)When THE boy arrived 2 years later,,, our joy was re-doubled.....

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Yep. After doing ride-alongs in ambulances and emergency rescue units, seeing brains on a freeway, gunshot and stabbing victims, multiple car wrecks, hookturns gone wrong, bounces, broken femurs sticking through skin, etc....... seeing a woman give birth in an elavator almost made me faint.

I think it was all the screaming......:|
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I was there for all three of my kids' births. It's totally different when it's your loved one, your kids. Absolutely the best moments of my life, bar none. Hearing thier cry for the first time, and holding them afterwards - Totally indescribable, and totally fantastic.

Easy Does It

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I had to vote 'no', as my daughter was born in a military hospital, so no mirrors to watch...and my view was..uh, limited :$.

Twins were born in a surgery room, not a birthing room, so no mirrors and I didn't get to see that either. >:( I did, however, get to touch my first twins' head as it was crowning. That was completely NUTS!!!! :o:S:P -Kinda shocking, beautiful, amazing, terrifying all at once...like this little 'human' is emerging from me...and so is it's brother/sister...:P
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OMG you make it sound like a scene from Alien :o

I was only 23...it felt like a scene from Alien to me...:P

i've seen it, it looks like a scene from alien as well!
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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