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Ok All....

I've been a techie for years, done pretty much everything over time...

Now, I haven't done any research, and I'm lazy, really don't wanna. So, could you all help me out and give me suggestions on this problem???

I've got the google search bar, great fun, seemed to block a few in the beginning...

Now it's gotten so F#$KING Bad that I can't just surf and get the inf I want. PopUP's every 30 seconds!!!!!!


Get me out of POP UP HELL!!!!!

I would love to round up the ignorant fucks that started this shit, and the spammers, which I'm sure are one and the same (too which I have some experience blocking) and line them all up against a concrete wall and blow their fucking brains out.

Ahhh, breathe in the good air, force out the bad....

I HATE POPUPS!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Disable JAVA, that will take care of a lot, but not all. Might make your surfing more tolerable.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
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A lot of it might be spyware driven. Are you using any anti-spyware programs? I run Spybot and Adaware, and I get very few popups. I'm SURE other folks will have their favorites, so there's bound to be more suggestions.

If you aren't running any anti-spyware programs yet, run a search on this forum, you'll find TONS of threads.

Elvisio "But honey, I SWEAR I've NEVER been to that website!" Rodriguez

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stop [using IE for] surfing porn sites :P

Give your system a thorough scan with a spyware-detection program or three. Make sure you're there when the results are displayed and all worms, dialers and their registry keys are deleted- I find the experience quite enjoyable. Then switch to Firefox and consider running some sort of anti-spyware program in the background while you surf. Something anti-viral might do it too- I'm using NOD32 and it smashes any pop-up crap that gets past FF while I'm, uh, looking at smiley faces and mortgage rates...:P

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Yeah I tried to switch to mozilla when it first came out. Couldn't get used to it. But I absolutely love firefox. Has certain issues, but it kicks IEs butt. There are some awesome extensions to download. Just got one that lets me get a map of any highlighted address with 2 clicks. Have another that turns any URL or email address into a link...no more worrying about clickies... everything is clicky.

I think the absolute best feature of firefox is the in-page searching. Just start typing, and it automatically searches the web page you have open for whatever you type. That makes life so much easier...


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Nothing to lose.

Your popups I hope! :D

I use firefox, Spyware Doctor / Sygate PF and cant remember the last time I had a popup...

To test, I'll visit alot of porn sites - but its been ok so far :D

Simply controlling your a firewall well will cut out alot... if ad/spyware cant connect it cant do much... but a combiniation of the 3 covers all the bases

Bodyflight Bedford

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Funny too, I launched an instance of IE on accident, and the moment it loaded, a pop up loaded as well.

That would be more likely a trojan that has replace / tagged itself to the IE executable directly, or the homepage entry you have stored.

There are a couple of really annoying trojans that do that... If spybot didnt get them - Spyware doctor covers alot too (www.download.com) or any of the many others...

If you dont get rid of the executables running (Doctor has a runtime check too) then you'll always get stuff.

Ever checked your running processes? (CTRL+ALT-DELETE for a task list)... how many of them dont you recognise? although some may be system based others are easy to spot... ie Bargains.exe webrebates etc etc

Good luck ;):)

Bodyflight Bedford

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stop [using IE for] surfing porn sites :P

it doesn't bother me too much, sometimes yes depending on the site... Cause I have a Mac :P

Mac in French slang is Pimp... And my Mac is porn friendly :$
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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download mozilla

I'm using IE and have not seen a pop up for months now......do not have adaware or spyware but my cable provider has added service to stop pop-ups 6 months ago. I cannot believe this is that hard to do and do not understand why this service is not provided by all??:S


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download mozilla

I'm using IE and have not seen a pop up for months now......do not have adaware or spyware but my cable provider has added service to stop pop-ups 6 months ago. I cannot believe this is that hard to do and do not understand why this service is not provided by all??:S


Well, the newest version of IE has a pop up blocker...but I can't tell you all that much about it because I use Firefox as well...
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