
Family Bullshit & The Holidays...

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Don't you just hate when you start getting all giggly and festive for the holidays, just doing the happy dance around while you plan dinners and presents and stuff for all the people you love...and then one of those ASSHOLES you love calls and all hell breaks loose. So much for the F'N FESTIVE mood you were in. Because THEY are slackers and want a pity party and want everything to revolve around them because they SUCK and don't make life better for THEMSELVES, they expect YOU to become in the shitty mood they are in. Don't you just hate when that happens?

I look forward to this time of year, ALL FRIGIN YEAR and then that one shitty phone call puts a damper on the WHOLE DAMN THING. >:(>:(>:(

Well I'm not letting that happen. I'm going to keep singing Jingle Frigin Bells and dancing around in my candy cane underware, maybe even with a Santa hat and if they don't like it they can just BITE ME!

Hell - who needs family at the holidays? It's over rated anyway right? How about we just go to frigin Alaska and sip some hot chocolate in an igloo with some eskimos? You game for that?

OK..........rant is over..............Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May none of your family members send you into a tissy like this :P

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Don't you just hate when you start getting all giggly and festive for the holidays, just doing the happy dance around while you plan dinners and presents and stuff for all the people you love...and then one of those ASSHOLES you love calls and all hell breaks loose. So much for the F'N FESTIVE mood you were in. Because THEY are slackers and want a pity party and want everything to revolve around them because they SUCK and don't make life better for THEMSELVES, they expect YOU to become in the shitty mood they are in. Don't you just hate when that happens?

Ironically enough, I was in a great mood until I read this post :P

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Smooches to all.....this is just what I needed to pick me up. Create my own pity party ;).

I need to get out of the "mood". I'm leaving shortly for a 4-day weekend, where I have absolutely NO PLANS but my house has walls now and I've started "window shopping" for furniture.

I think I picked a bad weekend to quit drinking. See ya soon Sam - be ready to jump your butt off girlie!

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Well I'm not letting that happen. I'm going to keep singing Jingle Frigin Bells and dancing around in my candy cane underware, maybe even with a Santa hat and if they don't like it they can just BITE ME!

Sounds like you could use one of those new battery-powered thingamagigs with a Santa and a dog, now being advertised by Hallmark. Goes something like this:

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, arf arf arf, arf arf arf arf, arf, dingaling dingalingaling..."

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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DEE! You are such an amazing girl! You have been through so much in the last few months and you just keep on truckin'. B| You rock!! Keep that holiday cheer. If it's cold and hot chocolate you want, we get that in VA too in the winter. We've got lots of good wine too. Come on up! :)

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sending more hugs to all my respondees...making me smile lots.....thank goodness for friends - new and old :)
B - you might just see me sometime this winter. I've got a bug up my butt to learn how to snow board. Can ya do that in VA too? We should get a big group of skydivers together, rent a cabin somewhere deep in the hills and do winter play stuff.

Who is game? Got suggestions, let's here'um

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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I am learning more about family love after losing my mother last week! I would normally miss a lot of these things to go jump or something. My priorities have changed! Do not let someone else shit on your parade. I spent over an hour on the phone tonight with Tommy Thompsons widow(see incidents). Joe and I know that I made her week!!!!! That made my week after losing my mother.:)

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I just got off work, come home, feeling tired, read this post, and now thanks to the Candy Cane underwear comment, I have the assurance of pleasant dreams. Thanks Dee you da wooooooooooooooman. See ya next week;)

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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got a bug up my butt to learn how to snow board. Can ya do that in VA too? We should get a big group of skydivers together, rent a cabin somewhere deep in the hills and do winter play stuff.

Well, we go to West VA for that! A group from our DZ rents a cabin / condo every winter (well for the last 3 years) at Snowshoe mountain. We are heading out the 3rd weekend in Jan this year. Got a nice cabin complete with hot tub. We've got a snowboarding instructor (he will be by then) in our group. We might have room for one more Dee.... B|

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The bottom line is the holidays suck no matter who you are or what you have been through.

I just left a family gathering at my aunts house where all i heard about was how gay i am... IM FUCKIN MARRIED for Christs sake!!!

I for one am so sick and tired of the same old bullshit hearing about how bad you were as kids and how you have grown into adults and How fuckin crazy you are for skydiving as a hobby.. I just wanted to tell everyone how fuckin closed minded and gutless they are for not even giving it a thought. But on the flip side im kind of glad that they dont. I wouldnt want to see them at the dropzone anyway.

Another thing is I spent 25 bucks on Pies and another 30 bucks on other side dishes that i made myself and no one even looked at them. Well FUCK THEM is all i can say. I will not do it again.

The way I look at my family now is that if they want to get ahold of me they have my address. If not then I dont need em anyway!!! I'm tired of reaching out just to get slapped in the face by the fuckers.

Sorry for the rant.


Kai, "Perdido Llaves Rodriguez"

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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Jay-sus guy's.
If you hate holidays at the relatives so much don't fuckin' go! You've got friends haven't you? Go have a good time with them! Shit, I just had an awesome thanksgiving with a load of mates and I'm not even american.

Lighten up!
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Man....I can SO relate to this subject.

I was stuck in a tiny house with 22 other people, trying to "Do The Right Thing."

Did most of the cooking, to which everyone had some negative opinion.

Listened to my mom bitch about how I prepared everything. If she didn't like the way I did it, she could have DONE IT HER FREAKIN' SELF!!!

My bitch of a sister refused to come, trying to make me feel guilty because I didn't come and visit her a few weeks ago in Jacksonville when I was driving back from WWR camp in Lake Wales, for God's sake.

Put up with everyone griping about my obsession with skydiving/CRW. How I wasn't around for Thanksgiving last year because I was in Lake Wales for the 70-Way World Record, helping out. And how, next year, I plan on being there for the 81-way! "Where's your sense of family committment. You have become so self-serving."

Screw them. If they can't appreciate me, my goals, dedication and effort to still try and make them happy, I'll go back to my friends and make myself happy instead.



P.S. The good news is, ONLY 29 MORE DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS!

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I hope your holiday surprised you by being fun like mine was.

My mom had our next door neighbors over from 30 years ago and her new boyfriend, and my inlaws were there. Mom was nice enough to do it at her house.

The neighbors and the boyfriend watched the DZ.com Holiday Boogie 2003 DVD and asked nice questions. I was in my manic comic mode so we were all laughing, my mom, feared that at any moment I was going to drop an "F-bomb".

I expected tension and wierdness but I won, and we all had a nice time.

I hope you all did too.


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Actually...it ended up being ok after the pre-bullshit. No drama, good conversation and yummy food. It was one of the better ones.....so glad I gave everyone a chance to vent or make suggestions to NOT make it crappy.

Yo B - I think I could be VERY game for the 3rd week in Jan. mountain party if there is room for one more ;) Birthday is 1/23 so it could almost be a birthday celebration too. Keep me posted for sure!

And ya know what else I did to make me in a good mood - I took my bonus I just got, stood in line at 5am and bought my 2 nephews each a bike for Christmas. I bet I am gonna win for the best present this year :P...........It's funny how thinking about making someone else happy can make me so happy......

Hugs everyone.....no longer grouchy B|

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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