
What's going to be your favorite item on the table tomorrow?

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I like the dressing or stuffing as my family calls it... yum... with almonds and cranberries and sausage...

don't forget the wine too!! :P:)

I love stuffing, too. I am going to make it with sausage for extra flavor this year as well, we'll see how it comes out:D I made lotsa cranberry sauce and I usually incorporate a little of everything in each bite :P


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Same here...my aunt makes a fantastic stuffing!!!! I love it...that and the mashed potatoes...

Atkins can kiss my ass :D

Oh and of course the turkey too :P
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looks like my ramen noodles will have to do[:/]

someone send me thanksgiving fooooooooooooooddd!!!!:)

aawwww you cutie patootee, I'll bring food, we have a HUGE meal, how far are you from PA???;):)
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That ramen noodle thing happened to me a few years ago when unbeknownst (did I spell that right?) to me, the chow hall was closing at 4pm instead of the usual 6pm for Easter. I ended up eating a few sandwiches from the gas station down the street.

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Are you going to fix something yummy to eat?

It's just me and the cats. I dont' bother cooking just for me. I'm thinking i'll go buy some cheese tomorrow and have bagels and cheese for dinner.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Are you going to fix something yummy to eat?

It's just me and the cats. I dont' bother cooking just for me. I'm thinking i'll go buy some cheese tomorrow and have bagels and cheese for dinner.

Awww... you are invited to dinner too!! Everyone come over to my family's place!! There's plenty, how far are you from PA?
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