
I'm thinking of buying a monkey

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The smaller the monkey the more likely it is to kill you.

Hmmm...that prob works for insects in AUS.....but I for one would like to hear the reasoning behind that statement pertaining to monkeys.....or have you been licking toads again ???


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Hey Man, all I can say is NO Fin WAY! I had a monkey for seven months and she was just too nuerotic to get anything done. They are pretty filthy and get into everything. Keep it confined and as said previously it will go insane. A foot tall monkey is pretty strong and isn't afraid to tear out your hair and mess you up when it gets spooked. I say don't get it. It won't get you beers for long. I will start chucking that shit at you. It will take you about ten years to find all of your shit it found and hid on you too. No fun! This pic is the only good memory I have of that monster!

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Thanks for the advice everyone. Upon further review, i've decided not to buy a monkey. B|

However, there is a guy in louisiana that has baby alligators for sale and I think I would be better off buying a couple of those for the basement.

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Thanks for the advice everyone. Upon further review, i've decided not to buy a monkey. B|

However, there is a guy in louisiana that has baby alligators for sale and I think I would be better off buying a couple of those for the basement.

Good Choice! Perhaps you could feed them a monkey or two.

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