
What is your favorite animal and why?

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Dolphins for their ability to swim gracefully through the ocean and the ability to kill sharks. I do not like Sea World becuase they contain natures creatures of the Sea! I have had the fortune of being able to swim with wild dolphins.

The Bald Eagle. Not only because it is a symbol of our Nations Freedom but the ability to see sharply and quietly attack its prey. It is on top of all other birds in the sky.

Python's or snakes in general. The reason being is that they rarely need to eat. A very lethargic animal just roaming within its territory.

I could go on I am sure but these are a few of the animals which I like.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Bald eagle fan here (been mine since i was a little kid)---they are just so free spirited, and free to soar where they want to go, the freedom that they get is just something I wish I could have
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
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The Dwarf Blue Sheep Picture Here

The dwarf blue sheep generally weighs 25 - 44 kg (55 - 97 lb). It occurs on very steep rocky slopes, usually at an altitude of 2700 - 2900 m (8900 - 9500') in dry valleys with a sparse cover of grasses and low shrubs. Its diet consists mainly of grasses and other plants such as clubmoss. Blue sheep feed and rest alternately throughout the day on steep, grassy slopes. Groups of dwarf blue sheep currently average about 6 animals, down from 10 - 36 reported by local humpers to occur previously.

The dwarf blue sheep currently is only found in China in a narrow area in the upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) watershed in Sichuan Province. It has declined significantly since the 1950's because of overhumping. Clay continues to be its major threat, as well as some habitat loss.


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Anything of the feline form. No animal seems to have more personality than a cat. Well, other than a human, that is. Although, I have come across many 'a feline that definitely seem to have more personality and intelligence than some of the people I have know... ugh...
-Converting the world one whuffo at a time.

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Orca's but they are harder than heck to keep in the bathtub:)
Up here in the Pacific NW you can see them frequently if you know where to look. There is nothing quite as awe inspiring as whenone rolls over next to you just a few feet away and looks you right in the eye. Their eye is very large but within it you can see that there really is someone at home in there and they know many things we can never know.

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Domestic animal - Dog
Wild animal - Several,
Birds - Hawks, Eagles and Hummingbirds
Mammals - Any of the large jungle cats, wolves, Bats
Insects - Dragonflies
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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I watched a documentary about some island that had a sea-snake migration occur there periodically, and there was a kind of sea eagle that preyed on the snakes. I can't remember the name of it, but it was a kind of eagle I had never even heard of before.

If you picture a typical eagle, mixed with a seagull, you'll be envisioning this thing. It's sleek and grayish-white. A beautiful, graceful, powerful animal.

Any favorite animal of mine would have to have the power of flight. :)
Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Domestic - Cats. I can't help but love an animal that thinks it's a god(dess).B|

Wild - wolves. Of all the animals I've seen in the wild, I've never yet seen a wolf. I want to! Such wonderful animals, with such complex social lives, and so much power.

And I have to put in a vote for polar bears! I'd love to hug a polar bear, if it wasn't for their tendancy to kill and eat most anything.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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