
MS Access sharing question

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Does anyone know of a great way to share an MS Access project to multiple people at the same time.

Basically I have a Database with multiple tables with relationships between the tables that I want to maintain. I need to have 4 or 5 people entering data into the database at the same time and I need it to be refreshable to show the new data. Basically if Person A enters some data person B needs to see the record appear in their version also.

I've got web space to host the files, but I don't know the best way to do this. If any one knows how to do it so its all webbased and Access is not needed to be installed on each persons PC even better!
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The best way to do that is to create a set of jsp's or asp's depending which way you want to go. Depending on the complexity of you db, you'd probably have to create a page for each table you want the users to be able to update. You'd also have to create a sign-on page to control access and security. This isn't an especially small task unless you're a developer and have time to kill.

The only other simple way I can think of is to have a shared drive with the .mdb file in a published place. Even then everyone would have to be on the same network the shared drive is and you'd also have sharing/access problems with people trying to do updates at the same time.


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Don't do it.

MS Access does not have any kind of row level locking. Sharing access to the DB itself is a recipe for disaster. Two unfortunately timed concurrent writes can hose your entire DB.

If you absolutely MUST use Access, then write wage page to be the single interface. Relatively straightforward using ASP.

Viable alternatives are MySQL and (PHP or Java)


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Does this have to be web based? Or can you stick the db on a network drive?


Don't do it.

MS Access does not have any kind of row level locking.

It can be done. The block locking isn't all that reliable, but if you're only talking 4 or 5 users and not a ton of transaction, it'll probably be ok. :D

C'mon, "probably" is good enough!
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Basically I have a Database with multiple tables with relationships between the tables that I want to maintain. I need to have 4 or 5 people entering data into the database at the same time

MS recommendation is a MAX of 5 people using an Access database at a time. My experience has been, that is too many and it will cause problems. It wasn't designed to be used that way. That's what SQL is for.

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Blah blah balh... SQL this, MySQL that. :D

I'd love to export this thing out to a SQL format but don't feel like messing with trying to get a web host to correctly create the tables for me. That and my experience in actaully creating JSP/ASP pages is about 4 years old.

Ideally what is to happen is Table B contains a list that should populate a dropdown list that when you are keying in data for Table A you can choose from. The Access forms I have now work for me to do it alone... but I need to share the app out.
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MySQL + PHP + lots of time creating purty web pages. Access is great since it makes some things really easy, but it just sucks for multiple users (especially in multiple locations... major speed issues). One option is to put the tables into MySQL or something and leave the front end in access. Pretty simple that way, but you still need everyone to have Access. Writing a PHP script to connect to the database and do everything you need to do is much more time consuming, but much more reliable, without any of the Access quirkiness.

Edit: Check out phpMyAdmin. Makes it very easy to run a MySQL server.


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I use SQL Server a bunch. It is available through Microsoft's Action Pack program ($300 for all of Microsoft's Back Office Server Software), which is designed to be licensed for developers and small applications. Although Access has a concurrent locking mechanism and works for limited numbers of users, it is not as versatile. You will notice that an ".ldb" file exists alongside the database file for as long as there are users against an Access database.

Although SQL Server won't break with lot's of users, setting the concurrent update restrictions to a stringent level will degrade performance. They call it "isolation level", and you might want to leave it at the default level of READ COMMITTED unless you are really worried:

An isolation level determines the degree of isolation of data between concurrent transactions. The default SQL Server isolation level is Read Committed. Here are the other isolation levels (in the ascending order of isolation): Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, Serializable. See SQL Server books online for an explanation of the isolation levels. Be sure to read about SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL, which lets you customize the isolation level at the connection level.

Maybe that's more than you needed, but it's an option if this will be an application that more and more people will be using over time. The disadvantage to SQL Server is that you need to do a Web page (.asp or Visual Studio .NET), Visual Basic, or other programming language to work with the database. You don't get turn-key form design like you do with MS Access, which is more of an end-user tool.
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PHP & MySQL for Dummies should give you a clearer picture.

As others have said, Access is okay for small potatoes, but if you've got multiple users, a dedicated db with a web-based front end is called for.

MS SQL Server 2000 is a really good product, but it's expensive (duh). So are the supporting tools, like Visual Studio and follow-ons.

However, there are viable alternatives to MS SQL / ASP out there. See URL. B|

You can do it all M$FT free - many do.



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Bah... screw that. I was having others help me on this to save me probally 20-30 hours worth of work but I'd have that much time put in just trying to learn and program the application. :S:|

Ugg, I'm getting frustrated just reading this thread knowing what it is you want to do... [:/]

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Ideally what is to happen is Table B contains a list that should populate a dropdown list that when you are keying in data for Table A you can choose from. The Access forms I have now work for me to do it alone... but I need to share the app out.

so umm, where does the database come in? Seems like massive overkill where a couple flat files & SSI or CGI would suffice. If you need to update it, use a second cgi.

edit: come to think of it, you could probably do almost all of it with client-side javascript...


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