
How much of a space case are YOU?

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Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Second time in the last few months I have lost my bloody ATM card. And right before I'm about to leave town too. What is up with me???

Things I lose on a regular basis:

• Car keys
• Cell phone
• Driver's license
• Mind
• ATM card
• Phone numbers
• Check book

Is there any help for me at all?

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I go through stages of forgetfulness. I've lost my gym card so often that I finally just made copies of the temporary one for when I lose it next.

One thing I do constantly though is DROP my keys. That and set off my car alarm at the worst times, like when I'm trying to be super stealthy.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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That and set off my car alarm at the worst times, like when I'm trying to be super stealthy.

[elmer fudd] be wery, wery quiet, wee're hunting A's[/ef]

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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I left my brand new camera phone sitting on the tonneau cover of my truck while at a jobsite Saturday. 7 miles away I realized it, turned around, and drove back to the jobsite figuring it couldn't have stayed on there through the relatively rough (offroad) terrain, much less have survived all the corners and the 65 mph once I got on the freeway. After an hour of searching I gave up, chalking it up as a $300 loss. 7 miles closer to home, I saw something sitting in the middle of the oncoming freeway lane right where I had turned around...it was my phone battery. The phone itself was laying in the opposite ditch, flipped open and slightly chewed up, but when I held the battery against it, it turned on. I had to go buy a leather case to hold the battery to the phone, but $15 is much better than $300. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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One thing I do constantly though is DROP my keys. That and set off my car alarm at the worst times, like when I'm trying to be super stealthy.

That what you get for trying to be sneaky.

I'd lose my ass if it weren't hung on me.
Scars remind us that the past is real

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One thing I do constantly though is DROP my keys. That and set off my car alarm at the worst times, like when I'm trying to be super stealthy.

Why on earth would you want a car alarm on a Saturn, Shurley the car is worth more being stolen,:ph34r:

Gone fishing

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One thing I do constantly though is DROP my keys. That and set off my car alarm at the worst times, like when I'm trying to be super stealthy.

Why on earth would you want a car alarm on a Saturn, Shurley the car is worth more being stolen,:ph34r:

I don't have a Saturn. You must have me confused with someone else.

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I'm notorious for losing my wallet,cell phone and car keys. ..plus i like to do fun stuff like putting random things into the fridge on occasions or throwing away metal spoons when im done using them....

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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One thing I do constantly though is DROP my keys. That and set off my car alarm at the worst times, like when I'm trying to be super stealthy.

Why on earth would you want a car alarm on a Saturn, Shurley the car is worth more being stolen,:ph34r:

I don't have a Saturn. You must have me confused with someone else.

Sorry my bad must be sunshine

Gone fishing

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You haven't used your ATM card in the last few months? My goodness...I use it almost every day!

Bad idea, those $ATM$ fees add up quick. $2/day almost all year? shhesh
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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You haven't used your ATM card in the last few months? My goodness...I use it almost every day!

Almost every day?? I'll bet you write checks for $1.35 at the grocery store too. I will never friggin' understand chicks. I go to the ATM every couple weeks...tops, I don't write a check for anything unless I get a bill in the mail, I don't have a credit card, and I never balance my checking account. I do know where my keys are, though.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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Bad idea, those $ATM$ fees add up quick. $2/day almost all year? shhesh

ATM fees? I don't have any ATM fees. I get money out of the bank with no fee when I need cash and all the stores accept them with no added fees.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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