
How much of a space case are YOU?

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Bad idea, those $ATM$ fees add up quick. $2/day almost all year? shhesh

ATM fees? I don't have any ATM fees. I get money out of the bank with no fee when I need cash and all the stores accept them with no added fees.

Yeah same here. I use my ATM all the time and never get charged a fee unless I actually get money out of another banks ATM.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Second time in the last few months I have lost my bloody ATM card. And right before I'm about to leave town too. What is up with me???

Things I lose on a regular basis:

• Car keys
• Cell phone
• Driver's license
• Mind
• ATM card
• Phone numbers
• Check book

Is there any help for me at all?

Do you have a single place to keep most of this stuff, like a wallet or purse or satchel? I'm a guy, but I carry a satchel that has my personal necessary stuff in it.

I don't know you or why you lose this stuff on a regular basis, so I can't predict if there is help for you...

Here is one way to protect yourself, though:
Take all of your cards (the ones you would keep in a wallet, including the ATM card) and put them all face-down on a photocopier and copy them. Then flip them over in place and copy the backs.

This way, you will have a record of all of the cards if you happen to lose your wallet, complete with the 800 numbers to call to report the cards lost. :)
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Do you have a single place to keep most of this stuff, like a wallet or purse or satchel? I'm a guy, but I carry a satchel that has my personal necessary stuff in it.


Peacefuljeffrey carries a purse!! HA!

I can't help but think of that seinfeld episode.........."Its european"

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Dude...first you find Jay's thrown ripcord, then you find a phone that should have never seen the light of day again, and it works......... you part bloodhound?? ESP?? :P

you got the damnedest luck.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Bad idea, those $ATM$ fees add up quick. $2/day almost all year? shhesh

Make it three. No ATM fees for me or for using my debit card. Bo, you are getting screwed. Shop around. Oh, and I have no service charge on my checking account and free pay bills on line.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I don't think I want to answer this question


Only cause you can't remember how spacey you are.

Somehow, you know me so well.:P


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I hope this thread doesnt end up in Speaker's corner, but I carry a concealed firearm most of the time.
I'm obviously very careful about where I put it and where it is at all times, because the consequences of losing it are quite serious.
As a result, I perform a kind of a "gear check" several times a day for all the things I routinely carry like wallet, cellphone, keys etc. I've never lost an important item. My first cellphone lasted 5 years until I had to replace it because they retired the model and I couldnt get new batteries for it anymore.

No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.

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