
Want a baby bunny?

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Here's the story. I have this rabbit, named Stu. Stu was adopted from the humane league. I wanted a male rabbit, they told me he was a male rabbit, I never bothered double checking since rabbits are not fond of being flipped on their backs. Enter rabbit number 2, a cute little guy at the pet store who was abandoned by his previous owners. We brought the boy home and threw them both in the bathtub to get acquainted on neutral ground. We came back a couple hours later. They were doing things that typically boy rabbits don't do. Quick double check of our first rabbit to find out that we have a girl named Stu.

Second rabbit was thus dubbed Casanova.

We now have a knocked up bunny who is going to hatch within the next two days. Which means I will have from one to nine baby rabbits to find homes for. So, any of you wonderful people like a rabbit to call your very own? Very friendly, easy to litter train, and all those warm and fuzzy things that make them the ideal low maintanance pet.


PS Casanova (Casey) gets his balls chopped off next Monday :P

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I have a 90 lb rottie/black lab mix that is terrified of our rabbits. I have a 40 lb cattle dog that will sit and groom one of the rabbits and tends to ignore the other. The cats just sit and watch them, one will groom them. So if a rottie can deal with a rabbit, a yorkie can too :)
Besides, yorkies don't really count as dogs, they are fuzzy yipping footballs:P


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I have three dogs that love to chase rabbits on our daily walks. Send a few this way, and I'll let the dogs get some exercise;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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okay for futere refrence it is easy to telif a rabit is a guy (buck) or a girl(doe).. flip them over.. (use the scruf of thier neck but cup thier ears so they feal secure (do no use the ears as a hnad hold along withthe scruff though that is bad if you do!!) and well go down to thier nether regions, pull back thier tail and sort of "pull down" on either side of "it" if it's an innie it's a girl if it's an "outie" it's a boy... not so hard.... and just to let ya know.... there could be way mre than 9 think up to 13 or so.... seen it before..... wana post a pic of the rabbit's?? i can tell ya waht ya have....... i raised rabitts with 4-h for 11 years......raised: holland lops, english lops, min lops, netherland dwarfs, angora lops (all are fancy breads) and californians and newzelands (comercial breeds, ya know for meat and feet)

for all wanting to stew the rabbits..... they have no dark meat, are less fat than chicken and very tatsey.......oh, and they can be litter trained just like a cat.... make cool house pets!!!!!!!! and just like dogs..the smaller the breed, the more hyper they are...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Get him clipped soon. They breed like.... rabbits. We had the same kinda thing happen. Someone gives you a bunny, you rescue another. Started out with three, all girls, except that one named Pat (Patrick? Or Patricia? oh - definitely Patrick.) Had a litter of six, which the vet assured us were all female, except the one that wasn't. Before the dust and the snipping settled, we had 45 rabbits. The vet gave us a really good deal on neutering 'em.

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"Make it hard again." Doc Ed

“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free” Nikos Kazantzakis

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Had a litter of six, which the vet assured us were all female

how old where they when he sexed them??? to get a good "reading" they needto be atleast around 6 weeks old.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I've had rabbits all my life, and know how to sex them. I also know that they detest being flipped over, so never bothered repeating the torture if the humane league already did it. Moral of the story, never believe humane league rabbit sexing. I can understand mistaking a boy for a girl, but how the hell can you screw up calling a rabbit a boy if it isn't?

Yes, he is getting fixed. Ball whacking day is the Monday after Thanksgiving. I can't wait.

I have eaten rabbit, good stuff. But these are definitely pet bunnies.

My dogs also chase rabbits in our yard, but they groom and play with my house rabbits. The rabbits love it, they like chasing the rottweiler around the house, really funny to watch. Both are litter trained.\

Mom is a dutch, dad is a chinchilla. I have no idea what babies will look like, it'll be interesting. I've had a New Zealand who should have been meat instead of pet, a couple albinos, a couple checkered giants, and a holland lop over the years. All lived to old age and spoiled rotten.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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