
Any one have Dish Network?

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I am thinking about getting the dish.

What are the pros and cons of having it?


Long term contract.
Reciever for every TV, period.
Are there any? That's why I went back to cable.
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RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Actually Rev, Dish network does not have any contract obligations. At least not the package that I got. And they supply up to three recievers with a set up. Cost is way below that of most cable systems and programming options are more varied.

Biggest con in my opinion is the weather. During really heavy rains it can interfer with your reception but has never realy been a problem for me.

I like my dish and the cable companies can bite my as....
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Glad you like 'em. Every single one around here is full of hidden fees, like an extra 5 bucks for each reciever, contracts required BS. I had Dish for the 1 entire year I was contractually obligated to them, then dropped 'em and will never look back.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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We have DirecTV and it works fine, but I'm not a huge fan. I used to have digital cable (AT&T, now Comcast I think) in Portland. It worked great.
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Dish TV receives signals from a satellite, which does not carry your local stations. So you have to get your local stations off a rabbit ear antenae - and sometimes that reception is poor. You can pay extra for an option to get the local channels via satellite also.

My cable company didn't carry many of the popular channels I wanted, like Discovery, TLC, SciFi, and so on. After yanking my chain for a year with promises, I gave up on 'em and switched to the Dish. I like it.

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Dish TV receives signals from a satellite, which does not carry your local stations. So you have to get your local stations off a rabbit ear antenae - and sometimes that reception is poor. You can pay extra for an option to get the local channels via satellite also.

Dude, that is so yesterday....

You probably believe all those CABLE vs DISH commercials too ?? ;)

I have had Cable, Direct-TV and currently have DISH, and I love it. There's more PPV and Premium packages on DISH than DTV. Local channels are available in many major markets - like over 100, I think. So if you live out in the boondocks, then yes... you might need the rabbit ears. Otherwise, they're the same channels on the dial as regular cable or UHF. That's what the first 100 channels are reserved for is local channels.

Plus I heard that they're easy to hack and get free service from. :P

The cost is about the same as Direct-TV, but the channel menu is nicer and easier to navigate, IMO.

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I had Dish Network for a few years, no long contracts and was reasonably priced. I did get all of the local affiliate stations. The only problem was when we had heavy (and it had to be heavy) rains, I'd lose the signal for 15-30 minutes. Unfortunately I moved to a location where I didn't have line of site with the satellite so I had to go back to cable (Charter sucks ASS!). I'm seriously considering moving to another appt unit where I can get my dish back. Yes, Charter is THAT worthless.

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Where I live, cable is not available and probably never will be. I had Dish Network for a couple years. The only negative was that I could not get my local stations. I recently switched to Direct TV. I find their menu to be confusing and I am unable to purchase ppv via my remote. I have to call customer service and sometimes I'm on hold for so long that the film has already started. The one good thing with Direct TV is I do get my local stations.

I think the pros and cons vary according to where you live.


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Yes, Charter is THAT worthless.

To each their own. I've had Charter for a few years now, and it would be like pulling teeth to get me to leave them.

I have the first ~100 channels of regular cable, EVERY movie channel, a 3 meg download cable modem, and I use Vonage through the internet for my phone (unlimited USA and Canada calls) for a grand total of $108 a month. My father pays that much for an SBC land line phone and Direct TV with no movie channels, leaving him with no choice but dial up with the $$$ he has left over. I also have pretty much no problems with charter. Very little down time, consistent high speed, regardless of the time of day, and a decent price for what I get. No contract, no equipment purchase, and no rental either (not even for the digital box or cable modem). I have on digital box in the living room, and 6 other TV's in this house that are on alot, and don't need their own boxes/switches/dishes.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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