
my wife is sitting topless next to me

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She's writing an email and I'm waiting for her to finish

Oh my gosh, I just got a pm from her. She was writing to me with her shirt off! :o

After seeing her in her Halloween costume, all I can say is...wow, I feel special now! :$;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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yeah baby! hahaha.... although i picture ian sitting and waiting like a good boy. shame on him. :P

need to get you guys to stay with us if you head up this way. i think it could be..... fun. :D

go have some fun!

sigh............ok B you taked me into it.......let the fun begin
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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need to get you guys to stay with us if you head up this way. i think it could be..... fun.

Oh definately!! We KNOW it would be .... fun ;)

I was in CA a few weeks ago, and on the radio they were saying that Orange county is the capital for swingers... Are you guys trying to move that East? lmao;)

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