moodyskydiver 0 #1 November 11, 2004 Ok so everyone knows how excited I was about finally getting out of the dorms and into my own apartment about a month ago. Well early yesterday morning (6:45am) as I'm walking out the door of my apartment I notice something weird on my welcome mat.It turns out to be a couple of hairpins and a tiny rod that looked like a finishing nail.WTF?!I picked the stuff up and turn to set it on my entertainment center just inside the door and then notice scratches all over and inside the lock on my front door.I look up at my security light and its busted too!WTF?!!! Someone tried to break into my apartment the night before! Well, theres nothing I can do at this point but go about my day.I spend the the majority of the day in class and then I'm not out of my honor society meeting unil after 6pm.By that time not only is my apartment complex office closed so I cant really tell them about it now that its no longer an emergency but theres nowhere in town that sells these funky security lights other than hardware stores which are also already closed. I live alone and I'm now afraid to return to my apartment alone even if the break in wasnt exactly a "professional" attempt and they obviously didnt succeed in gaining entry.I finally have a friend come to the apartment with me and I call the police anyway just to have the report filed.Well, fat lot of good that did.(I'm so embarassed to be a criminal justice major right now).They took the info and sent someone over who surprisingly showed up with someone from the managers office of the apt complex.I told them everything I knew, showed them the stuff I found ouside the front door etc. Not only did the officer not write a damn thing down nor take the objects I showed him, he told me not to be too worried about it and "its not a big deal". Not a big deal?!?! Someone tried to break into my home while I was here alone asleep and its not a big deal? Especially when you consider that I live on the second floor of an apartment with very narrow stairs.Breaking into a first floor apartment would be much more profitable if theft were the motive which it might not have been here. When I realized neither the apartment rep nor the officer were going to really listen to anything I said other than try to pacify me I started asking the officer all the legal technicalities of transporting my .40 handgun from my parent's house 120miles away to my apartment this weekend without the aid of a conceal handgun license.(I've been meaning to look into it anyway but havent seen the need to move the gun just yet.) My friend left around 1am and I kept walking around checking locks and windows until I finally collapsed into bed around 3:30am but every slight noise distressed me.I finally fell asleep around 5am and didnt make it to class this morning.I cant live like this.I cant live in constant fear in my own home. "...just an earthbound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #2 November 11, 2004 As long as you have it unloaded and in a case while you're transporting it (and separated from the ammunition), you should be ok. By "separated", I mean "ammo in the trunk". Good luck, and sorry that this happened to you Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
outlawhottie 0 #3 November 11, 2004 hey girl. i hate to hear about that. i wish there was something i could do. i hope everything get s better. it'll be okay though. that's horrible that someone would do shit like that. you konw if you need anything i'm here for you. that definitley makes me think since me and kara are moving to arlington and getting our own apartment. i'm for sure gonna have to get a ahndgun or something. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misslmperfect 0 #4 November 11, 2004 im so sorry this happened to you! its one of my biggest fears since my husband travels so much... as far as transporting the gun to your apartment, if i remember correctly, you can carry it unloaded, cased and in your trunk w/out a concealed license in texas. it shouldnt be a big deal. and if it makes you feel safe, DO IT! good luck sweetie!Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #5 November 11, 2004 You'll be ok girl. If it makes you feel more secure, the get that gun to your apartment. BTW, i had dream about you last night. You worked for some record company in Vegas. It was weird. ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnnyD 0 #6 November 11, 2004 Get a shotgun. Its far more effective for home protection. Glad it wasn't worse. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nightingale 0 #7 November 11, 2004 a shotgun is probably a better bet. doesn't require nearly as much aiming if you're scared and shaking. security wise, get a lock that bolts into the door jam and flips over the edge of the door. The cheaper ones are called "flip locks" and cost about $2. There is a pic of a pricier one attached. If you print the pic and show it to your local hardware store guy, they'll know what it is. here's a link to a cheap one. Make sure you bolt the lock in. Some people use 6" carriage bolts or wood screws, which are probably good. Don't get the kind of lock that bolts into the jam and the door. Apartment doors are weak, and the door itself probably isn't strong enough to hold the screws for that part of the lock in if someone gives it a good shove. Do NOT use a chain lock. I can kick my way through those (and have! I told my friend's mom when they installed one that the chain lock wouldn't hold, when the subject came up. she didn't believe me. I asked her if she wanted me to kick the door, and sure enough, the lock broke right off and the door opened) I'm an average sized woman without a lot of weight to put behind a kick, and if I can kick through a chain lock, a guy who's bigger than me definitely can. Also note your hinges. If the hinges are exposed to the exterior of the apartment, you have a problem. Burglars can simply pop out the hinges and remove the door, even when it is locked tight! This, a burglar’s dream, and some carpenter’s mistake. If this is the case, reinstall the hinges so they are exposed to the inside. I'm assuming you don't have any windows that are accessible, being on the second floor. If you do, get window locks. Think about getting an alarm. Some places won't install alarms in apartments without management permission, so call around and eventually someone will. There's something comforting when you get home to hear that *beeeep* and know that nobody's been inside. a "protected by smith and wesson" sticker on your door is a nice addition as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tigra 0 #8 November 11, 2004 I'm sorry this happened to you. Having had my apartment broken into before, I know what a horrible feeling it is, and no matter what you do, or what your building does for you, its going to take a long time before you feel safe there. That's totally normal! Do make sure the security light is repaired right away, and look into what additional locks or deadbolts can be installed. You're building office should have an emergency number, and you should feel free to use it whenever! I know you had to get to class, but really, you should have called them and the police as soon as you saw what happened. If your building is not cooperative or doesn't seem suficiently concerned about your safety, consider moving someplace else. Under the circumstances, I think they would have a hard time enforcing the lease and would probably prefer to let you move than have you tell all the neighbors about the break in attempt and their insufficient reaction to it! When I came home to find my apartment had been broken into, my landlord was the second call, immediately after the police, and it was late! I had a locksmith in first thing the next morning and a lot of changes made. And I still moved as soon as I could! Good luck to you! maura Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #9 November 11, 2004 Damn girl! I know its an hour drive one way, but you can crash on my couch if you feel the need to. Go get that gun, I know you know how to shoot and how to be safe, so I'm not going to bullshit you about that, BUT I will say buy a good flashlight. A small maglight (not the mini-mag) but one with a push putton on switch is perfect for not much money (for instance, my tac light cost nearly $100, but a Mag light is about $10). Light up your target before you shoot, you don't want to shoot anything you can't identify since you won't know who it is or what it is. Also, buy the right kind of ammo! Regular FMJ ball round will not only go through the wall, but they'll keep going and going and don't want to be liable for an unintended hit of the person next door. Unfortunately there really isn't any ammo for the .40 that has take down power and still won't go through walls (especially apartment walls). I recommend going to a gun shop and buying a case of Federal Hydra-Shok. Its the best factory defense load you can buy. If you want to come to College Station this weekend I'll teach you how to properly move through a house/apartment safely and how to properly fire while concealed and how to properly light your target/target aquiring. If you get your handgun before then, then we'll use your weapon (unloaded of course), otherwise we can use one of mine. I can take you to Wal-Mart to help you find a good flashlight as well. Better yet, if your daddy has a shotgun, get that and bring it with you, I can teach you how to do all the above things with a shot gun as well. Take care of yourself girl!--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cloudseeker2001 0 #10 November 11, 2004 Typical cop and this is something that you should be worried about. This may have been someone trying to sneak in on you, and if that is the case they may have been watching you for some time. The cop did not even offer to patrol a little extra for you? I would call the police again and talk to the supervisor and insist a report be made and take pics if you can. If you do end killing an intruder, this needs to be documented because it could help you with the grand jury if it makes it that far. Did your complex repair the light? Getting additional locks sound good. If you decide to use a firearm, please be sure you really know how to use it during the excitement of an emergency. I would suggest a shotgun-I think that works best for on point contact. You may think about loading it with birdshot as well so you do not kill your neighbors. I knew a girl that had the same experience. I added extra locks to all the windows and doors and we bought 2 different timers and set them for different times on different lamps in the living room.....this made it look as if she was awake and turning the lights on and off........ About a year ago I was sitting on my couch reading a book and someone tried to turn the knob and open the door. The knob would turn but the deadbolt kept the door from opening. My dog freaked. I jumped up grab'd my pistol(which was conveniently on the bar) and walked out on the balcony only see some little greasy prick running out the front gate.......nothing else has happened. "Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance, others mean and rueful of the western dream" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabr190 0 #11 November 11, 2004 Damn, that sucks!! I totally agree with AD, especially if he is going to teach you home defense techniques. Also, since low penatration rounds are almost impossible to find, you might consider loading your .40 with 2 blanks in front of the first "live" round, makes a shit load of noise and may keep you from having to take someone elses life. "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one" - rehmwa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clownburner 0 #12 November 11, 2004 I agree with what's been said already, and sorry to hear about this. The pic nightingale attached of the 'bolt buddy' is about the best lock you can get for an apartment, and it's designed to resist battering rams. I have one on my garage door; I bought it at the hardware store for about $20. The next step above that is a steel door with a bar all the way across it, and that's hard to do in an apartment. As for firearms: Get a shotgun; no matter how good you are with a pistol, you'll be better with a shotgun at close range when you're half-asleep and scared. Nothing can beat a shotgun at close range. Preferably one with an integrated flashlight. Load it with #4 bird shot; it won't go through a wall but it'll make a big hole in a soft target at short range. Optionally, load the shotgun so that the third (and additional) shots are 00 Buck (tactical load, reduced recoil), in case you do have to shoot through the door. The Remington Magnum Express 870 or Winchester Defender are excellent and available for less than $200 each, and add-on flashlight attachments are not much more. Hang in there! 7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez "I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #13 November 11, 2004 Quoteyou might consider loading your .40 with 2 blanks in front of the first "live" round, makes a shit load of noise and may keep you from having to take someone elses life. A very very bad idea. If the perp is inside, they are generally with in 20ft, the average man can cover 20ft in 1.5 seconds, so by the time you draw the weapon and pull the trigger, the perp is on top of you. Possibly with a knife in your gut or worst. Basically, if you have to pull the trigger, you may only get one chance, make that one chance count!--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #14 November 12, 2004 Quote you might consider loading your .40 with 2 blanks Quote In addition to AD's comment... Ahhhh...Blanks don't work in an automatic! Instead better .40 rounds like... tear gas...bean bags.. and the ever popular 'bad guy net' seen on Batman will work.... Then again, center mass with 1/2 dozen hollow points makes a statement! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zee 0 #15 November 12, 2004 QuoteQuoteyou might consider loading your .40 with 2 blanks in front of the first "live" round, makes a shit load of noise and may keep you from having to take someone elses life. A very very bad idea. If the perp is inside, they are generally with in 20ft, the average man can cover 20ft in 1.5 seconds, so by the time you draw the weapon and pull the trigger, the perp is on top of you. Possibly with a knife in your gut or worst. Basically, if you have to pull the trigger, you may only get one chance, make that one chance count! The old rules still apply - Run towards a gun. Run away from a knife. Dave makes a good point and that's definitely something to think about but, while you're considering that, consider this: If you're not prepared (and that includes being properly trained in the safe and effective use of a handgun) to kill someone in defense of your life or home, do not have a gun in the house. If you crap out during that one critical moment, you're very likely to end up a victim of your own weapon. On the other hand, if you feel that you can handle a gun comfortably under those circumstances, aim center mass and make damned sure the fucker is DEAD. When the case comes in front of a judge, it's his word against yours. Peace, Z Edit: I forgot to add the "safe and effective use of a handgun". I work for a company that provides equipment and tactical training to military, law enforcement agencies, and civilians, world wide. My boss would bitch slap me if saw my comments without that little "statement" he he he Peace, Z Action©Sports Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crewkeith 0 #16 November 12, 2004 or, hey you could just move in with me. kinda long commute though.get the shotgun and learn to use it. way to go dave for showing her how to use it correctly. and practice. shoting ranges arent just for redneck yahoos you know. .The skies are no longer safe I'm back Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #17 November 12, 2004 Quote When the case comes in front of a judge, it's his word against yours. Quote Not in Texas! Someone doesn't even have to be IN your home to qualify for 2 or 3 in the 10 ring... Here we have to right to protect life & PROPERTY with the use of deadly force... ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #18 November 12, 2004 QuoteWhen the case comes in front of a judge, it's his word against yours. That doesn't matter in TX, if they're in YOUR house/apartment without your permission and they have no legal right to be there (law enforcement, property owner or manager, etc) then you have every legal right to defend yourself and your other words, you shot them, that's their problem, not yours.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zee 0 #19 November 12, 2004 QuoteQuoteWhen the case comes in front of a judge, it's his word against yours. That doesn't matter in TX, if they're in YOUR house/apartment without your permission and they have no legal right to be there (law enforcement, property owner or manager, etc) then you have every legal right to assume they mean you lethal harm and react accordingly. Thats just Texas, though, I can't speak for other states. Very true - I never checked to see where she lived. I used to live in Texas and I'm quite familiar with their gun laws. On the other hand, why even give the stupid bastard a chance to get off with a limp and a technicality? My personal choice would be to put the o'l USP .45 to good use and systematically remove any and all chances of legal mumbo jumbo. Permanently. "God didn't make all men equal. Mr. Colt did" Action©Sports Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tweak 0 #20 November 12, 2004 QuoteQuoteWhen the case comes in front of a judge, it's his word against yours. That doesn't matter in TX, if they're in YOUR house/apartment without your permission and they have no legal right to be there (law enforcement, property owner or manager, etc) then you have every legal right to defend yourself and your other words, you shot them, that's their problem, not yours. God, that's what I miss about Texas!!! A cop actually told me once that if someone breaks into your home and you have to defend yourself, "Drop the fucker where he stands, give us a call and we'll come pickup the body". Most other places you have to be very carefull. You'll be asked questions like "was your life really in danger?" and "was he trying to flee?". You have to almost prove your actions. Not that I would shoot someone just because I could, but I'd be really pissed if I had to defend my actions when I'm just trying saving my own life. I DO miss Texas! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabr190 0 #21 November 12, 2004 Ahhh....AD, airtwardo, and Zee...........I have been just been schooled.............thanks Seriously, all good points. "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one" - rehmwa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #22 November 12, 2004 Quote Ahhh....AD, airtwardo, and Zee...........I have been just been schooled.............thanks Unless you've trained and studied there's no reason why you would know that information. No worried man. AMBER: drop me a line, call my cellphone, reply to my PMs, we need to talk about this!--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagny 0 #23 November 12, 2004 You know, one night I locked my bike up outside the door to my second floor apartment. I woke up to find it gone. For at least a week, I had trouble sleeping because it freaked me out knowing that a "bad" guy was right outside my door in the middle of night and that the only thing separating me from that person was a chinky little bolt and a door. That sucks. And that was just theft of a bike. I would be really freaked out, too, if someone had tried to break in. There's some good advice on here. Nightingale had some great suggestions. Just remember to stay aware always. Get your light fixed ASAP. Never let your guard down until your safe inside. And always have your keys ready as you approach your apartment. I've lived alone for a long time and I'm still scared from time to time. Be aware, be confident, and be prepared. You might not be able to stop something bad from happening, but you can avoid being surprised by it. Preparation is key here. Good luck, chick, and don't hesitate to take advantage of your male friends for it leaving a male voice on your answering machine or walking you to your door at night. Stay safe, moody!Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casurf1978 0 #24 November 12, 2004 I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you. There are some f-ed up people out there. Getting a gun sounds like great advice. Have you also considered taking a womens basic self defense class. At my school the department of public safety offered one. It was two sessions each one last about 6-7 hours. Call your schools department of public safety also call the police department, I know they didnt sound to helpful with you, but give it a try. Hope this helps you out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Douva 0 #25 November 12, 2004 If your current home and your parents' home are both in Texas, there are no legal obstacles to transporting the pistol--It doesn't even have to be unloaded (having a pistol in your car during legitimate travel is excluded from concealed carry laws). As far as ammo goes, since you're in an apartment, I suggest Glasser Safety Slugs. They won't go through a wall and kill your neighbor because they fragment upon first impact, but if they hit an intruder, they'll not only blow a huge hole in his chest, they'll also knock him off his feet. I keep three safety slugs loaded in my .45, followed by six full metal jacket rounds. I figure if I don't get him with the first three rounds, I may need more penetration. Aggie Dave's flashlight suggestion is a very good idea. You might also consider one of those cheap, battery operated door alarms that goes off if your door opens in the middle of the night (check Radio Shack or Home Depot). That way, you'll know somebody is in your apartment before they're standing over your bed. If air circulation isn't a problem in your apartment (meaning the air conditioner and heater still cool and heat your bedroom with the bedroom door closed), you might also want to think about locking your bedroom door at night, for a little added protection. Putting another barrier between you and an intruder could give you the added time you need to save your own life.I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites