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mnealtx 0
If so, go buy a Medeco doorset and deadbolt. They're a bit expensive, but worth every penny!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
Quote>Am I over doing it? yes. But I'd rather be zealous than afraid.
Might want to hire a security guard also![]()
You might want to take the time and enroll in a personal defense course or three in addition to the gun course. I know a few people that even hunting were not able to pull the trigger when they could punch holes in the paper all day long. Killing even an animal is'nt the easist thing in the world, a human is even harder if you are not 100% committed to doing it.
I'm not with you, there.
Just how hard do you think it would be for a woman to do harm to a guy who is clearly out to either rob, rape or kill her?
I think you are witholding credit that most women deserve. Put most women in the presence of a rapist and I think they'll do what they need to do.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"
QuoteI'm not with you, there.
Just how hard do you think it would be for a woman to do harm to a guy who is clearly out to either rob, rape or kill her?
I think you are witholding credit that most women deserve. Put most women in the presence of a rapist and I think they'll do what they need to do.
I was just having this same discussion with my mom over dinner. I'm no fan of sport hunting and I cant stand to see animals injured b/c I've just always been a soft hearted person in that respect.But if some asshole is seriously trying to do harm to me or someone close to me you better believe that I will want to put a world of hurt on them in every way I can.I would feel much better about shooting a human intent on doing me harm to defend myself and my home than killing a defenseless animal.
Before I bought my gun, my mom gave me the pepper spray and joked saying that she felt sorry for anyone coming into my house b/c I'd probably hose them down, cuss them out, call the cops and then reach for the other can of spray to hose the sucker down again just to be a bitch.

Ok, on a side note, for all you guys who have been PMing me and insisting that I high tail it to AggieDave and take him up on his offer of weapons training...I am! I am! LOL! I'd planned on accepting his offer as soon as I read that he'd offered it.I'm trying to figure out a good time to work with him ASAP (Thanks Dave you're a saint).Thanks for all of your concern, I really appreciate it and all of the PMs and everyone from this thread have really helped put this incident in perspective.
"...just an earthbound misfit, I."
QuoteGet a shotgun. Its far more effective for home protection. Glad it wasn't worse.
I agree with the shotgun comments. Much more effective and on top of that there is no sound in the world like a pump action shotgun being cocked. If you hear that sound in a dark apartment and aren't holding the gun, you know your night just got really bad.
I've done so much, with so little, for so long
I'm now expected to do everything with nothing forever
NickDG 23
I'll guess it's a doper looking for your TV in order to score another baggie, or whatever the modern equivalent of that is . . .
Or, if you just moved in, they may have thought the apartment still unoccupied and are just looking for a place to crash.
Of course you need to be a "bit" careful, but move through life like you own it (you do after all) and chances are nothing bad will happen to you.
And get a dog. With the other option, and a little paranoia, the chances of a dead cable guy in your hallway goes way up . . .

A coworker of mine told me about her cousin who wound up shooting & killing his own wife. Someone broke into his house at night & he & his wife got up & he got his gun. At some point he lost track of where his wife was...he saw a silhouette & just fired...and killed his wife.

wingnut 0
for a nominal monthly fee i'll camp out on your couch with my ak-47, .380 acp and .25 cal........ i would require free room and board though and must have full premium cable t.v.!!!!!! and some meth to keep me up at night when the bad guys come back... pluss with the added energy of the meth i could unload the whole 40 rounds from the ak in about 2 seconds...... so what do ya say..... i would require weekends off though to skydive.... but if you go to you would be well protected from all the other skydivers with guns atthe dz!!
"i have no reader's digest version"
A coworker of mine had her purse stolen when her mother took out the trash. Someone was watching the apartment and saw her leave and checked the door. My coworker came down the hall to find someone standing in her living room. He made an excuse about being in the wrong apartment and left. But it could have been much worse.
slug 1
QuoteMake sure you always lock your door, even if you only leave for a minute.
A coworker of mine had her purse stolen when her mother took out the trash. Someone was watching the apartment and saw her leave and checked the door. My coworker came down the hall to find someone standing in her living room. He made an excuse about being in the wrong apartment and left. But it could have been much worse.
The snatch and run thieves are a inconvenience. We used to have them at work enough that the women were warned not to keep their purses in their file drawer.
The wrong apt excuse

Talk with the neighbors in the apt complex cruise the apt corriders and look for evidence of previous breakins (broken door jams) scredriver/crow bar marks/ multiple locks on the doors.
College towns have their good pt's and bad ones. I hate bad people.
It is a normal deadbolt but there are no windows anywhere near my door.Actually there are no windows on the same wall as that door to be exact.All the windows in the bedroom and living room are on walls that would need a big freaking ladder or pretty good climbing abilities to get to let along break into it. I'm still thinking I'll pay the ridiculous fees to have the complex change my lock atleast. This place is cheap (remember college student/college town) so I know they wouldnt go for the double cylinder locks as I'm assuming they'd be more expensive.
Ya know, poeple used to ask me if it was creepy living here in Huntsville b/c the college is literally surrounded by 7 prison units. The unit where the state carries out capital punishment is less than 2 blocks down from the college CJ building where I have class and you can here the shift change alarm at the unit anywhere on the central part of campus.To me it wasnt creepy.It was a reminder of why I'm pulling all nighters and sitting through that mind-numbing class where I stay awake counting ceiling tiles.I want a Criminal Justice degree because I see the need for it all around me.I'm not worried about the inmates.I'm now more worried about the creeps outside those walls than inside them.
"...just an earthbound misfit, I."
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