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I love sushi. There's a new craze among some LA restaurants now where they serve just one piece instead of the normal pair and they charge you normal prices. :S So if you're in LA watch out. I almost had a fit at this one restaurant. My personal favorites are sea urchin, fatty tuna, japanese mackerel and giant clam.

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HHmmmm a giant clam that squeals...that sounds sexy:P.Note to self got to find me one of those!.

In regards to the pic, well, it was all about finding nemo right? I found him;)B|
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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The only thing I can't eat is giant clam. I ordered it once and the sushi chef showed me it was still alive by slamming it on the table and making it squeal. It squealed the whole way down my throat and tasted awful.

Thats icky.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Ummmm...I LOVE sushi. I could live on sushi if it wasn't so expensive. I started eating sushi over 25 years ago before it was as popular as it is now and it seems like it we used to spend a lot more than we do now, which I guess makes since there are a lot more sushi restarants now so more competition. I think it is easier to try sushi for the first time if you have consumed a large quantity of sake first :ph34r:.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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The first time I had sushi I ordered the same amount of food that everyone else at the table did. I got their input on what to order and I ordered it. I ended up eating maybe 2 rolls and I gave the rest of it to everyone else to share.

So pretty much I paid for a Dr. Pepper and sushi I did not eat.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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Was that that one with the japanese girls and tons of little eels? One of the worst links I have ever seen....never again.

But freshwater eel is nothing like that. In fact, you would not know it was eel except the title. It comes out warm (smoked I think). Very yummy.
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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Was that that one with the japanese girls and tons of little eels?

No. I saw this videotape before the internet was even a household thing. I actually ran to the bathroom and threw up from watching it.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Wow....you saw porn before the internet? I learn something everyday...incredible. More disturbing you must have seen more disgusting pron than most guys in the world. That is an accomplishment sunshine.

Pron??.. I never seen "pron" before.. :o What's that like? :D:)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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Pron, sometimes also pr0n, with a zero, is netslang. It is a merger of the l334 hax0r speak of AOL script kiddies days, and the time period where porn started to become more open with the advent of the internet. A common type-o became a cliche, much like the "teh hot" = hottie, or intarweb = internet. So, in this case I have no idea if I reverted habitually or just typed-o.

So, how about that sushi, huh?
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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Pron, sometimes also pr0n, with a zero, is netslang. It is a merger of the l334 hax0r speak of AOL script kiddies days, and the time period where porn started to become more open with the advent of the internet. A common type-o became a cliche, much like the "teh hot" = hottie, or intarweb = internet. So, in this case I have no idea if I reverted habitually or just typed-o.

So, how about that sushi, huh?

Sushi Rocks!! oh.. and Juanesky... I don't do pronography on video... it's too much evidence that can be used against me. ;):)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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remember... sushi salmon isn't raw, it's smoked, so you're still not eating raw fish.

oh... try unagi. It's eel, which sounds gross, but it's cooked, and has a really soft, flaky texture, kinda like sole, and softer than halibut. It comes hot, with it's own special sauce, eel sauce, which is kinda similar to teriyaki, but not quite.

Every time I've taken a sushi virgin out for sushi, eel is the first thing we order. course, I don't tell them what it is. just "try this. it's yummy and it's cooked!" after that, they're usually willing to try more stuff, because the eel is super yummy, so they want to see what the rest of it tastes like.

you'll probably also like shrimp sushi. not the sweet shrimp, but the regular shrimp. the regular shrimp is cooked, just like cocktail shrimp, and served on rice usually with a little wasabi. if you don't like wasabi, just ask them to leave it off.

spider rolls are also really good. it's cooked softshell crab rolled up like a california roll.

If you're feeling slightly adventurous, try baked mussels. the mussels are baked in the shell with this yummy kinda cheesy tasting sauce. everyone I've gotten to try them, no matter how suspiciously they looked at them has said something to the effect of "OMG that's good!"

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