
Written warning at work

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if you work for a company that has an HR person (let alone a department) then you work for a company you should already know this wouldn't fly at.

That said, if he's bitching about pens he probably already hates his life, so there's your revenge right there, you don't even have to lift a finger.

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I'm in a Union job.. and Union would have that taken care of and removed from your file. either that or the crew would ban together and do a work slow down..they'll get message. our crew sticks together. too bad you don't have a Union job.

This is EXACTLY why I don't like unions.

A guy did something that was in CLEAR violation of company policy (even if it was funny, he did it, it was wrong and he got called on it). And you complain that he was treated badly?

He did something wrong and you want nothing to come of it? You want to hurt the company with a work slowdown for a guy getting punished for doing something clearly wrong?

Unions can do good things, but it is this kind of petty shit that makes me glad I have never been in one.

I had a friend that had a co-worker that used to SLEEP at work...He never got fired since the union protected him...He was on the clock ignoring his job duties and sleeping for Christ sake!!!

Thats fucked up.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hi Pring,
BT,DT,GTTS. (been there, done that, got the t-shirt) well not quite the same as you but lame ass, sorry ass work geeks are a dime a dozen and I'm looking for the guy supplying the dimes!!

At least he hasn't sued you yet! I had one dumb fu*k who worked for me and thought he was too cool to work for me and that I should work for him!! Like I should sit at his feet and take notes!! Like we worked in a parachute loft and dig this, I got my master ticket when he was in the third grade!!! This geek even tried to sue me!! Said I was stalking him, that I assaulted him and a whole bunch of lies. He got the cutaway handle pulled on him by his lawyer after the deposition. Good luck, you should have just pied the fu*ck at lunch or something. You still can, or hire a hit squad to do it while you're at your niese's christening ala Pachino.
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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I'm laughing pretty good on this end.

Shit. I got written up for"what could have been percieved as sexual harrassment" the second day on the job.

I was on a ladder tacking a name plate to a girls photograph, I had two in hand. The assistant manager has got dark brunette hair and the picture is a blonde woman.. So I ask her if that's her before the dye job in the picture... Yes/No question.... She goes into some diatribe about how she looks horrible in that picture blah blah blahb blah blah blah blah blahb blah yadda yadda yadda yap yap yap.

So the next day at another store, "I roam stores" The guy that hired me is there saying Hi Kyle, Not the way I like to start the day but.... He was on my side and I believe I know who had the bone to pick, but I'm not going to get into it here incase she decides to start stalking my existance or some shit.

So the lesson is when trying to determine something about someone for identification purposes, route that request through the manager on duty and act like a helpless scared told what to do tool, or just hammer a nail into any old picture of whoever you like. Nobody looks at their fool pictures anyway.

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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Stop paying your union dues for 6 months.... --------------------------------------------------------------------I always pay my dues. And it's three months not six. Why wouldn't I? They protect me as do MOST ( there are backstabbers everwhere) of my union brothers. I could call in a bunch of friends if I really needed help (for anything). Guys you don't wanna fuck with. Fuck the man, You have to band together people
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Some bosses are alpha males/females they get off on making some people miserable and using them as a example to keep everyone else in line.

Human remains, employee management relations are a rubber stamp for management,. IMO HR should have talked with you first to find out what the problem is.

Do you use Bic type or clicky type pens at work?. Inspect the clicky ones closely if they've been out of your site befor you click it.

Everything is he said she said until you write it, as soon as you put it in writeing your tagged Your on the way to be tagged a disgruntled employee. Start looking for another job if possiable.

Sounds to me that HR took some short cut's in your situation. very few people mess with Humn remains HR. Some Unions sometimes can encourage HR to follow their own procedures.

I was lucky and fired my boss, retired at 48.
We also fired the local DZO and USPA They need us as much as we need them.they don't provide me with the services that I pay for and expect. I don't have to jump or belong to USPA:)
Tandems and AFF are the DZ's bread and butter.Fun jumper, or emplyees are expendable in a tight job market or Tandems paying big $$$.

Not complaining just the way it is. My choice take it or leave it.:)

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I always pay my dues


You do just as you are told....pay your 'tribute'
or you dont' work....

...in other words,
converse to your statement.
THEY own your ass.

And in a case such as this-
union or not, you would have gotten
written up because a line was crossed.

If you were to do the same to another coworker,
who would in theory also be a union member...
and since in this case being discussed...
the coworker is on 1st shift...meaning he most likely
has seniority, the union would side with him.

During the collective bargaining agreement between the
union and the employer, the union agrees that the workers
will abide by certain rules and all pertinent laws.

This incident is considered harassment by the letter
of the law,
and I bet there is some contract wording referring to a workers right to a safe & stress free work environment.
The "eat my ass" note was 'vulgar' and since it was
addressed to an individual...meant to be 'intimidating'.

That's against the law, and the contract.

I'm sure HR thought it was chickenshit too...
but they have a legal responsibility to respond
if a complaint was made...

No union in the country would stand behind a worker
that broke both the law and the contract...
especially since the infringement
was toward another worker.

The whole thing is just a game...

if you want to play and win...learn the rules!

Ordinarily you get three minor infractions in a given
period of time...
first 2 are written warnings the third is time off, then
the door.

95% of the employees commit an infraction of some sort
in any given week if they are watched close enough
and you know what to look for.
You document these infractions and respond accordingly.

THAT'S how you deal with a shit bird giving you a hard time.


I could call in a bunch of friends if I really needed help
for anything. Guys you don't wanna fuck with.


We all "could" do that...we all have friends you don't
wanna fuck with. I'm sure the guy that got the 'eat my
ass' spoon has friends you don't wanna fuck with...

(Nah nah....my daddy can beat up you daddy!?);)

So what?:S

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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