
What happened to my screen?

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It's Karma for locking the RoamingDZ.com thread.

Read up a few threads, it's fixed! I guess the karma Gods agree with me! :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Is a flat screen worth the extra money on a work computer? I don't need to watch videos or anything

I have a 24' flat screen at work and spend all day doing CAD drawings and spreed sheets. Makes it a lot easier to see more of the spred sheet at one time,(I have some rather large ones) and makes navigating around large drawings much easier as well.
I also feel like it's easier on my eyes by the end of the day.
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I know you have it fixed. BUT if I were you I'd let the kids at it with the magnets again just so you have and excuse to buy flat screen. For me they are much easier on your eyes and you say it's just for work but that is where you spend most of your time?? The larger screens a few people have talked about would be great but imho even a 15" is much nicer to look at all day long than a 17" crt.

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I know you have it fixed. BUT if I were you I'd let the kids at it with the magnets again just so you have and excuse to buy flat screen. For me they are much easier on your eyes and you say it's just for work but that is where you spend most of your time?? The larger screens a few people have talked about would be great but imho even a 15" is much nicer to look at all day long than a 17" crt.

I concur with Opie. I loooove the blazing speedofmy home systems, but spend almost all of my time on my lappy now, as the 15.4" screen is much easier on the eyes than the CRT's at home. So much so that I'm trying to budget for a few 17" flat panels to give the lappy a break.
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