
1st canopy wingloading

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I have a question about your first canopyEDIT: during student status

what size were you flying? fo rhow many jumps, what was your wing loading?

I was on a 280 or 260 for my first 20 jumps. after that I wa son a 210 for a LONG TIME

my wing loding was .6:1 on the 280
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I used my instructor's student gear throughout my training, and I'm guessing the sizes were around 250-260 sq.ft.

My first canopy was a Falcon 235 loaded about .72 to 1. I jumped that for about 50 jumps before downsizing to a 170 loaded about 1 to 1.

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You mean first off student status? First after A license? Or first purchased?

I m sorry,
I meant your VERY FIRST MAIN ( other then tandem)

EDIT: maybe I shoulda said POST YOUR WINGLOADING while on studnt status
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About .28
Of course, it was a 28' flat circular canopy :)
Wendy W.
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That's a pretty big range you gave there. I don't think you're gonna find much out, but I answered anyway.

.8 on my student gear, 1:1 on my own canopy.

actually that was good info thanks!

I know the range was big but I didnt want to put 1,000 poll chioces.
I was curious to see what wingloading students were on.

SO I guess my Reply to Philly kev should have said. LIST the MAINS you WERE under while on student status.
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1st jump was a 260 at around 0.6
2nd jump onwards a 240
30th jump a 190
32nd jump a 170 at around 0.9, maybe a touch higher.

Those were all DZ rental canopies so I was downsizing when the Chief Instructor told me to.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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hmmm i answered the wrong question then...

during student status? .6ish under a 288...

at 30 jumps 1.1 on a Sabre 190..

isnt the point (for the canopy portion at least) of student status and early jumps... to develop your canopy skills to the point you can land a 1:1 safely?

seems like many people spend a long time developing/reenforcing bad habits under lightly loaded canopies....
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Until you have gained enough experience as a canopy pilot; stay with a fairly doscile canopy, 1:1
Do not be in a hurry! Today more parachutists are being seriously injured or even killed by downsizing too soon. I started out on big student mantas 260++, after 20 or so jumps I bought a Triathlon 190- 0.9:1 with no problem. I am still flying that chute and will occasionally demo a 160. I am somewhat of a pussy when it comes to hot landings, but my disapline is R.W. and the parachute is mearly a way to get to the ground safely after the formations. Many new jumpers are anxious to perform swoops and show off their skills; I cringe everytime I see some 100 jump wonder get ohs and ahhs from the crowd; Sadly to say " I seen them come and go."
Hyper-eliptical and crossbraced canopys are the new thing but should be jumped by only the most skilled!


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i was looking for that info.
I know most started on huge Mains. I guess my next post should be LIST YOUR WINGLOADING progression

I was on a 210 until about 300 jumps. with an exit wieght of 190-200(depending on how fat I was at the time)
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While on student status - .71:1 under Mantas.

Immediatly off student status (about 20 or so jumps - I was a static-line baby) I went directly to a 1.36:1 loading under a Spectre. I've made a few jumps under some other canopies but not many- Nothing smaller than the 150 though. Still jumping the same one now at 330 some-odd jumps. I've been averaging about 100 jumps a year except for my first year I only did around 25 or 30.

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I was on a Nav 280 exit weight around 260(.92:1) for 3 jumps then on a Nav 260 (1.1) for about 20 jumps then I switched between a Sabre 230 and a Spectre 230 for a bunch of jumps.

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AFF + 2 jumps: Manta 288 (around .7)
10-15: Saber 2 190 (Around 1.07)
15-20: PD 210 (Around .976)
20-300+/- some: Saber 2 170 (Around 1.2)

Still flying the same canopy. Will probally downsize or change planform sometime late next year. (I plan to be around 600-700 jumps by the end of next season)
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