
Chuck and Katie - the Aftermath

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Ok, kids. We didn't do the best job chronicling the trip from beginning to end but there are a few fun nights in my album. (And, I didn't add to Chuck's post because I wanted to be a whore and hell, I just got married, I deserve the attention!:$)

Let me just say that getting married this way was the best thing that we could have ever done. We did miss some of our friends (not all of them ) but the new friends we made in Key West made some very special memories. I even found a $5 veil on the street made of white wrapping string to top off my perfect wedding attire!

It was a very, very good time! Thanks for all the phone calls and congratulations, thanks to Chuck's brothers for making the trip, to Paradise Tattoo for my wicked coloring, to Sunman, Pyke, and Bobster for the party, to Southern Cross Hotel for their hospitality, all the hotel guests for being wicked fun, the afterparty local crowd we found on our wedding night, and everyone who helped us in between (Kathy and Roger, Arlo, Kim and Kevin, Paige, Ari, (edit - Skymama), Jay, Derek, Boxman, Buddy and Diane, Pablo, Nightjumper, Marco, Colon and Ankie, and everyone I forgot)!

Key West Pictures here!

I also attached my favorites!
157 is Chuck's friends who own Paradise Tattoo and also the guy that married us (Greg and Doreen)
160 were all the hotel guests and our "wedding party"
167 were some folks that stayed upstairs
190 is pyke and bobster

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wonder how long till she is...

There is a saying that goes like this:
"Sometimes its better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt":P

Congrats Katie and Chuckie...wishing you happiness always! Thanks for sharing your special moments/memories with us.:)B2

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Oh Katie, you look so happy. Can't wait to see you to give you guys a real hug.

Hum, let's see. Who do we get to see next?

*Dave and Morgan
*Tim and Brittany
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Congrats Chuck and Katie! B| You both look so happy and relaxed, it was obviously the perfect wedding for you. And Katie, you look totally buff, beautiful and awesome in your dress, what a great pick! I hope you have many, many years of happiness.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Tim - I don't think :ph34r:s do anything quietly!!!

And, Kate - they TOTALLY barged in on us but at least they brought bloody mary's - I'm absolutely serious about that!:D 8 am!!!

Skymama - didn't mean to forget you either... it was awesome that you blew somebody off to come have dinner with me... not everyone orders a cheeseburger plain and please don't let a pickle come within 10 feet of his plate combo!

It actually just sunk in too this evening as we were cuddled on the couch watching a movie... WE'RE MARRIED!!!:)

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