
Chuck and Katie in Z-hills

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Congratulations to you both! I don't really know what else to say...I'm all verclempt. :P

You two make a beautiful couple, and Cora and I wish you all the happiness this world has to offer. :)
Edited to add: Oh, and see if Arlo will give you one of her patented goodbyes. :D
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Chuck and Katie I am so happy for you both!

I wish you many years of endless happiness.
Always be kind to each other and never stop laughing!

Know that you are both so loved...

Hope to see you soon.

Do it Again!
P.M.S. #22
LaLa Gang #4

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Did I hear the "m-word"? Congrats. B|

Fantasy Fest is way cool. You'll have a great time.
Get a seat in the window in Rumrunners by Duval. Best place to people-watch and during FF that is the fun part. :)
I am leaving for the Keys myself on Friday. However, I will be in Tavernier most of the time.

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You two definitely know how to vacation!

I know it wasn't all that exciting of a Monday evening but I'm so happy I got to see you at least for a couple hours of Okie Noodling and little catching up.

Katie, I must say, you DO look stunning with Harley hair! Wondering if the aforementioned hairball came from you or Kissa?

I dig you both tons and always love any chance to see each other.

wooooyaaaa... gettttin married on Sat! I wish it wasn't so f-ing expensive to stay down there or Arlo and I would have been tempted. (No one should stay w/ you on your consummation night for gosh's sakes.)

Have a great time guys. Let us know if you'll stay in DeLand on your way back.

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is that the good bye that we have in a certain video of her in Eloy?

huh? video? of me? hmmmmmmm..... lemme think on that one. :o:P i don't recall any video... nope. :) so you must be talking about katie. :)

and katie? kimi's right about your harley head. your hair had so much VOLUME tuesday morning...beautiful...absolutely beautiful. :D

ROCK ON okie noodlers!! :P:D:D

arlo :ph34r:

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I wonder how hard it will be to bribe the minister/judge to mix it up a little. 'Do you, Katie, take...hey...WHAT YO name is???':D

I couldn't be happier for you two. You belong together and I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness and safety. I'll be thinking of you Saturday. ~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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That's awesome you two!!! You guys are so good together. I wish you many years of happiness together!

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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wonder how hard it will be to bribe the minister/judge to mix it up a little. 'Do you, Katie, take...hey...WHAT YO name is???

omfg...lmfao..... that would be to funny......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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