sangiro 26 #1 April 28, 2001 A list of all the Enthusiasts and Old Hands in the forums...a few folks are close!UserName Total Postsskreamer 681 froggie 465 SkySlut 383 Zennie 383 cyberskydive 347 Pammi 338 freaksister 333 Iflyme 327 skyhawk 304 PLFXpert 281 Greg 277 miked10270 265 wingnut 257 Dutchboy 255 SpeedRacer 248 OmriMon 240 lazerq3 211 skybytch 210 mountainman 193 Craig 178 Hellian 177 sangiro 172 Stacy 165 Grogs 161 Albatross 154 Dirtsucks 152 grasshopper 151 Tee 150 Aviatrr 144 Cacophony 124 TripleF 119 Slowfaller 118 Shark 117 Jessica 115 pyke 112 jumpergirl 110 propblast 110 mattb 107 freefallfreak 107 FreeflyPlaymate 106 SKY 105 AggieDave 101 Doasfu 99 fruce 97 BenW 97 huffermoose 94 Merrick 93 skymama 93 Divadiver 92 flyboy62000 89 Geoff 87 jtval 85 tigra 81 cloud9 80 BarrettJ99 78 Viking 74 lummy 73 AndyMan 69 PLFKING 68 ramon 66 diver123 65 slotperfect 65 PalmettoTiger 64 icarus 61 MC208B 59 Yooper 59 Trent 55 MarkM 54 ColdDuck 54 wildblue 52 DivaSkyChick 51 FallnAngel 51 max 51Safe swoopsSangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deleted 0 #2 April 28, 2001 Just being picky here - Triple F PLUS freefallfreak = 226.I wonder if anyone else out there uses more than one name.............................btw.......It's bloody obvious some of you lot don't have to work for a living!!!!!!!! Kylie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #3 April 28, 2001 F@ck, either it better stop raining soon or I am going to have to find a life in the real world...el saddo numero uno Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #4 April 28, 2001 Quoteel saddo numero unoAnd by a bloody mile, too!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #5 April 28, 2001 Yes, well the good news is that this el saddo ordered his new rig this afternoon (and had to pay a 50% deposit up front) from Rigs n Things. Wings, Hornet, Tempo (great prices on canopies AND I got to support a South African business). The even better news? When I found out the horrendous prices being charged for customs and P+P, I booked a week's leave. Saturday the 30th of June I will be jumping my new rig at Skydive Naples. Saturday night I will be buying the beers and getting horribly smashed. Now the crap weather here isn't bothering me so much anymore...Anyway, I get paid a pretty OK salary to sit on my arse the whole day and download skydiving movies and post to And it is now 2AM and I have just spent my Friday night doing a university assignment - my flatmates just got back from the pub pissed as, but luckily they say it was a crap night out.And tomorrow I am driving out to a rained out DZ just so I can collect my old Vector and hassle the instructors for some briefings. (when I tell my flatmates that I am driving 2 and a half hours to a rained out DZ, they KNOW I am nuts...)*sigh*Oh well, assignment is almost done, time for a stiff whiskey!/s Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflyguy 0 #6 April 28, 2001 I thought I had better post, to get my post count up past 3. I wouldn't want to be left behind. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freaksister 0 #7 April 28, 2001 Hey dude, when you are at Skydive Naples tell Roy that April in Texas said hi!!! Tell him I STILL plan to come down and make some beach jumps! Tell him my rig is still great, and thanks a million! Also...tell him thanks for taking you off of our hands for a week! Yeesh!! hahahahahaha The One and Only Freaksister(7th place isn't so bad is it?) 335 posts now...and Pyke, I don't LIVE to POST!! (that's Skreamer) Hell, I POST to LIVE!! (to keep my sanity when I can't jump!!) hehe I seriously need to move closer to a dropzone...of course, you never know what is around the corner...I may live a mere hour's drive from one shortly! heheSis"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.CampbellEdited by freaksister on 4/27/01 06:09 PM. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huffermoose 0 #8 April 28, 2001 in reply to"And tomorrow I am driving out to a rained out DZ just so I can collect my old Vector and hassle theinstructors for some briefings. (when I tell my flatmates that I am driving 2 and a half hours to a rainedout DZ, they KNOW I am nuts...)*sigh*Oh well, assignment is almost done, time for a stiff whiskey!/s"i would happily give my right gonad to be at a dropzone talking shit with the guys and girls even if it was pissing down as i am stuck on this shitty oil rig for the next 2 weeks looking at blisstering blue skies, and 5 knot's 03::00 in the morning and i'm pissed off !my head is stuck in the clouds"quite litterally".my rig won't be ready until the end of june.but mind you in 2 weeks time i have got 4 weeks straight to jump my arse off piss all my wuffo mates off with skydiving adventures get drunk as a lord and get back into the world of being a complete and utter pervert i luvvvvvvvvvvvvvve it.i have just cheered my self up, no end by sitting here in my fantisy world reliving excatly what i am going to do next leave .cheery bye moose Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dutchboy 0 #9 April 28, 2001 OK, I may only be 14th in quantity, but what about quality. I've had many quality posts like this one.That's all the whining for now. I've got skydving to do in a few hours!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PalmettoTiger 1 #10 April 28, 2001 Quotei would happily give my right gonad Yeah, but why the hell would we want it!?Blues, squares,PTiger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #11 April 28, 2001 i' stuck at 13th, does tha mean i'm soo unlucky that i'll never reach old hand status? what comes after old hand?....could it be "needs to skydive and stop posting" or do we top out at old hand? how do we get to be "head honcho".....i know we never will, i was joking about the last one......"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sangiro 26 #12 April 28, 2001 Quotewhat comes after old hand?....could it be "needs to skydive and stop posting" or do we top out at old hand? There are a few more above Old Hand but they're further apart. Safe swoopsSangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iflyme 0 #13 April 29, 2001 And I've posted only once (ok - this makes twice) in the past week or two... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefallfreak 0 #14 April 30, 2001 Boss Man,Do I get credit for the 119 under Triple F?? Or am I gonna' get to be an enthusiast all my life??FFF Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefallfreak 0 #17 April 30, 2001 3 (tee-hee)FFF Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefallfreak 0 #18 April 30, 2001 Well Boss Man,Do I get it or not??BwaaaaahahahahahaFFF Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefallfreak 0 #19 April 30, 2001 Hey Head Dude,Did I mention that I have nothing to do for the next week??5FFF Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cacophony 0 #20 April 30, 2001 I think its safe to say that skreamer talks too much! J/K. Safe landings,Alex D-23912 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sangiro 26 #22 May 1, 2001 ...did you know... from my chair, I can set your posts back to zero? Safe swoopsSangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenW 0 #23 May 1, 2001 Bwaaa haa haaa haaahaahahaaahhaaa!!Too bad TripleF!!! He's got ya there...Strike out!! Hmm, while the Boss is busy keeping an eye on you, the rest of us can get our post counts up!! LOLB. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merrick 0 #24 May 1, 2001 Heyy, only six more posts until I reach 100..... does that mean I have to make a "nudie post?!" "Grab the grass, it's the bounce that kills!"Merrick Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pammi 0 #25 May 1, 2001 Hmmm...perhaps I should quit bitching about my job so much since I obviously am spoiled and get to screw around online all day Ya know, I think I'm gonna end up quite warped considering that although I have my own office, nice big window and all, I rarely see anyone so only get outside 'influence' from people on here and at the DZ. MMM...pretty pathetic. Let's job around more people, same job and keep posting all day. Well...back to work! LOL!Pammi"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites