
Have you ever sat and thought about all the friends you've made through DZ.com?

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I was sitting here watching the sunset and thinking about life when of course my thoughts turned to friends. I called a few of them and chatted awhile then just sat and watched the final rays pass out of sight. As I sat there I thought about how those friends I've met through DZ.com. I might would have met them at a DZ but then again I might not have. I then got to thinking about how many people I correspond with through this sight on an almost daily basis.

I started thinking about how many of your guys I've met all over. WOW...that blew my mind. I then went so far as to pull out my phone and see how many phone numbers of all you guys I have. The answer is quite a few.

All this to say I really appreciate this site for the skydiving info but I also appreciate it for the strong bonds of friendships that I've forged over the years.

Anyone else ever have your day made by a felow dz.commer? I can't remember when I haven't talked to some of you daily. If you are part of my daily routine I want to thank you because you keep me going.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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i think of the select few i've made all the time.
i haven't met any commers on here in person (except for the few from my dz)
but i do like the ones i know so far and hopefully will be able to meet some of them someday!
i already know of a few i'm defenatly going to meet once i'm in the california area.

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i thinkabout it sometimes.... the number of peolei've met through this website is awsome... i'm not that outgoing to begin with but put me with a few people i "know" and then it's on........ i'v emade some very good friends fromths site and hope to makemany more... heck, wheni getmarried i'll probly put out a genral invite here.......

heck this place is so great i don't even care anymore if anyone calls me wingi... even guys......lol...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I was thinking about the same awhile back.

I had avoided relationships my entire life because they didn't seem worth it to me. I could do everything that I wanted to do and not deal with the hassle if I stayed single.

Indirectly, this site got me into my first serious relationship. While this site has helped me grow as a skydiver, it has gotten me to grow and change so much as a person. My life is definitely forever changed for the better because of it. I look back to the person I was 2 1/2 years ago, and I can't believe how naive I was about relationships. I thought that I could be intellectually stimulated enough without relastionships. However, to know someone so smart on such an intimate level...that really challenges you. Debating anyone else, you can walk away from. Being in love with someone, you take a deeper look at yourself and where you're coming from when they question you.

Basically, because of this site, I fell in love for the first time.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Never really met other peeps from the site due to geographic distance.

OK, Quade had to watch me eat breakfast once (how was your french toast Paul?) and Diablopilot and me said hi once (although he didn't know who I was). Probably had something to do being a newb and they were busy, also I tend to lurk in real life as well as here.

Maybe if I get over to the UK mainland or back to the US I'll try better.

"This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave

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When are you going to California, and what part of CA? :)

when i come to CA (possibly next year sometime)
i'd like to hit all the major DZ's, like perris, byron, elsinore.
just to meet a lot of the people i've met on here.
the only problem is finding places to stay that are really cheap :S so next year i'm sure there'll be a post about me going to california and wanting to stay with people:P:P

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Ah, my luscious leg-humper.

I love you.

(yes I said that out loud)

Some of my first questions about skydiving were on DZ.com. Everything I have accomplished so far has been helped by this site and Sangiro himself.

Yeah, I'm lucky in Sangiro, and in the people I've met through him. And I've met him too. All very good. Very, very good.

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These are last weekends pics from Zhills.

First pic is me and "the Cheeze"..notice he's trying to make up "altitude" deficiency by standing on the step:P:P

Next pic is my wonderful friend Sue...Dr. Q from SDC. If it weren't for her love, support and encouragement I wouldn't be jumping still.

Next pic is my new friend James. Thanks to Marc and Alysse for introducing us. B| Perhaps we'll work together soon.

Last pic is HappyThoughts, Marc, Alysse, Cocheese, and myself.



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I was sitting here watching the sunset and thinking about life when of course my thoughts turned to friends. I called a few of them and chatted awhile then just sat and watched the final rays pass out of sight. As I sat there I thought about how those friends I've met through DZ.com. I might would have met them at a DZ but then again I might not have. I then got to thinking about how many people I correspond with through this sight on an almost daily basis.

I started thinking about how many of your guys I've met all over. WOW...that blew my mind. I then went so far as to pull out my phone and see how many phone numbers of all you guys I have. The answer is quite a few.

All this to say I really appreciate this site for the skydiving info but I also appreciate it for the strong bonds of friendships that I've forged over the years.

Anyone else ever have your day made by a felow dz.commer? I can't remember when I haven't talked to some of you daily. If you are part of my daily routine I want to thank you because you keep me going.

well you never think about me or youd pm once in a while...but be patient, I may be in georgia for 4 months soon!
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And the ones you need to meet?? (I talked to Mar tonight) ;)

You've got the Thanksgiving stuff, are you comin'? We're planning at least one spring event too - still working on who will be the lead organizer... more to come!!

Do you have plans Nov 13-14? Would give us a chance to meet and make a couple jumps together in a low-key environment at Coastal Carolinas (read: BEACH!). Minxx should be there, too.

PM me!!




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All I can do is read this thread and smile, Lisa.

A really, really big smile.

p.s. My phone should be back on by tomorrow if anyone noticed.....
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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LOL...I didn't realize you were THE Pam! Blonde moment I guess. I'll be at Chester this w/e but I have plans the 13-14:(. Let me see what I can work out though. :)
Isn't Mar the greatest?????

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I've made some great friends throughout the 4 1/2 years I've been on DZ.com.

I've also found some folks to be very very hateful. Just last week I recieved someone's attempt at an anonymous e-mail that was very hateful. I think it surprised her when I tracked down who she was and told her as much in the reply...she hasn't replied since. Oh well. I guess at a place like this, the good FAR outways the bad and having to put up with a small handful of people who are hateful is a small price to pay.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Just last week I recieved someone's attempt at an anonymous e-mail that was very hateful. I think it surprised her when I tracked down who she was

:oI'm sorry, I didn't ever get that reply. Rats, you figured me out. But I still do love you and Morgan:ph34r:

BTW, Dave, you threw me with the new avatar.

Lisa, told you I would make that phone call:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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