
Cessna Lift Price to 10,500

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I was just curious. I know the current fuel prices are hurting Cessna DZOs. What are you currently paying for a Cessna lift to 10,500?

Turbine is a different story, and Jet A is cheaper right now (at least here). So to make things worse, Cessna DZs are having a really hard time at price per grand.
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well we were paying 15 but now we have the grand caravan and I think were paying 18-19 now.

which is still damn good to 13000-13500ft agl.
we paid 18 last year but I think the prices are knocking up the Jump tiocket to 19
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We don't have a Cessna at my UK dropzone. But if you're unlucky enough to find yourself riding the piston Islander to 10 grand, you're also unlucky enough to be paying £18 for the privilege. That's right, pounds!

I make that about $33, which is way off the scale of your poll options :)

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you're at the wrong DZ! Nethers cessna grand caravan and £17 to altitude for civilians (£10 for militaryB|)

Ah, but we're not talking about turbines. No way does the Caravan compare to the beast that is the Let 410. Although I have to admit it gives the Beaver a run for its money...

Anyway, I like being at the wrong DZ. Gives me something to bitch about... ;)

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Wow...diversity. The poll results point to cheep like a baby chicken. But the posts show some more expensive pricing.

I was just curious as I have seen prices going up recently. Makes it even more tempting (if I really needed it to be) to drive a few minutes longer and ride the big birds.
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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cesnas are not bad... for low ceiling days

They are good for lots of things.

We fly our caravan and 182 in formation sometimes for fun. (Yay for 20ways) :p
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