
Does it bother you to have sex while your friends are in the room?

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In all seriousness here, say you're sharing a hotel room with another couple. Do you wait until you think they fall asleep and go at it quietly?

What if you think no one's paying attention at a party or something. Do you go at it in the corner?

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(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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In all seriousness here, say you're sharing a hotel room with another couple. Do you wait until you think they fall asleep and go at it quietly?


What if you think no one's paying attention at a party or something. Do you go at it in the corner?

Doesn't everyone?:S

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(long time ago) My bf and I once crashed at his friends house. We went at it for a while while his friend was sleeping, or so we thought. Next day his friend asked if we had a good time and snickered. We then knew he'd been awake the whole time. It was a good laugh, luckily we really werent loud.

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What if you think no one's paying attention at a party or something. Do you go at it in the corner?

You might think that you've found an unused bedroom, that nobody will notice that you're missing, and that the lock on the door works, but then: killyourfriends.jpg. (borderline NSFW)

Too funny! :D


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well duh...someone has to hold the camera

You can't hold a camera and do the deed? Multitasking is a great skill. If you can't - try a tripod! :P

To answer GFD - I have had sex with people in the room a few times, but in general I don't want to have to worry about being sneaky and / or quiet, so I'll find another location. :ph34r:

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well duh...someone has to hold the camera

You can't hold a camera and do the deed? Multitasking is a great skill. If you can't - try a tripod! :P

To answer GFD - I have had sex with people in the room a few times, but in general I don't want to have to worry about being sneaky and / or quiet, so I'll find another location. :ph34r:

well there are some tricky angels you need to get to. and a tripod just doesnt do that:ph34r:

but to be fair and answer the original question:
when I was younger I had sex in front of people all the time. I had sex in a friends car, while he was driving us to check out a job site for the next day.( yea I hadda follow him in the morning or I would never have found it

I had sex in a pool while I was talking to people standing outside of it. ( I waited til everyone got out of the pool then my g/f and I went at.)

had sex in my parents living room while my g/f's friend was there.
had sex in parks and school yards when a group of us were hanging out etc.... there were lots of places

in the bushes at a new years eve party.( i thought noone could see us) So there is my answer.
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When I was younger I did some things like that. I had sex in a tree once at a park at dusk. That was fun! There weren't any kids there or I wouldn't have done it.

My best friend and I dated these two guys that were best friends and roommates. Some very interesting things happend in that big bed of theirs!

That was more than 15 years ago. I don't think I could do that now.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I had sex in a pool while I was talking to people standing outside of it.

You were talking to people while you were having sex? :o


had sex in my parents living room while my g/f's friend was there.

What was the friend doing while you guys were humping away?
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I had sex in a pool while I was talking to people standing outside of it.

You were talking to people while you were having sex? :o

yes, they were asking us how we could stay in when it was so cold. we'd been in for an ahour or 2 by that time I wasnt carrying on a conversation the whole time, but there were a few interruotions


had sex in my parents living room while my g/f's friend was there.

What was the friend doing while you guys were humping away?

she was blushing. but she was no angel either. she had already slept with everyone of my friends so I wasnt worried abou tmaking her feel uncomf.:ph34r:
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I got caught by some bouncers once in a closed off section of a club.. he he.. everybody was partying downstairs, so we figured that was perfect.. We didn't know it was right outside the break room for the employees.. :S ha ha..
They just gave us a thumbs up and went on with what they were doing..

As to around friends.. yeah.. things have happened around friends, what's the big deal.. everybody does it right?

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When I was in high school my girlfriend was having a slumber party and I snuck into her bedroom and we did it while her friends were there in the room watching. I'm sure there was lots of talk after I left.

If I was sharing a hotel room with another couple I probably wouldn't though out of respect for the other couple. If they're already going at it though I would.
Some days it's not even worth the effort to chew through the restraints.

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A few public places where my wife and I've done it...

In a dark room in a corner of Fort Morgan (tip of Mobile Bay, AL) right by the room's entrance, with tourists milling around just out of sight.

In our truck parked in a really nice city neighborhood with people walking by (don't think anyone noticed though).

Getting a B.J. in a convertible with the top down in broad daylight and slowly passing a convoy of truckers on the interstate was a real trip... ;)
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