
Do you take your cell phone on jumps?

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My friend called me while I was on the way to the DZ, and she knew I was jumping that day. My windows were open, and I didn't bother closing them before answering.

Whatsup? What r u doin?

Not much, you?

Ahhh, just skydiving... (holding the phone out the window for a few seconds)

Hangon, what was that? I couldnt hear you, I had to do flip.

Hey, I'll call you back later OK, I gotta pull real quick!

I hung up and called her back in 5 minutes, acting out of breath. She couldn't believe it, told me that she told everyone at work and thought it was the coolest!

(people have some weird ideas about skydiving i tell ya!)

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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I've started to carry mine more out of concern for myself and fellow jumpers. In the event that I follow someone's main down and end up off the DZ, land out w/ a friend and someone's injured or just land way, way off, I think it will be handy to have. Our DZ is good about picking people up when they land out, so it's more to guard against the possibility that we could land out and someone could be injured. I treat the plane like a theatre, though, so the thing is on silent. Don't want to be 'that guy'. ;) Also, my camera-phone sucks.

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My first out landing was in a field that the farmer was mowing at the time. I landed in the short grass, and the old dude rode up on his mower and handed me his cell phone. B|

Anyone have any camera phone shots from under canopy?

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Only on night jumps, and you have to make sure it is OFF before you get into the plane.

If I don't want the phone, I bring one of those 2-way family band radios.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Jerm called me while he was under canopy before. It was awesome. At about 1000ft he said he had to hang up. I thought that was one of the greatest phone calls i ever got.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I have called a few people under canopy before...
note: few people on the load, and all were in sight

but I carry for reasons of safety, landing off, injured jumpers ect....

I also carry one Scuba diving if I am diving in current, or far away from my vehical.

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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I had a mate you used to take his phone with him untill he lost it sit flying!!!!!
All caught on vid!!! really funny watching a wee phone like thing spin up and away and him trying to grab it!!!!!!!

Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large Groups!!

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My friend called me while I was on the way to the DZ, and she knew I was jumping that day. My windows were open, and I didn't bother closing them before answering.

Whatsup? What r u doin?

Not much, you?

Ahhh, just skydiving... (holding the phone out the window for a few seconds)

Hangon, what was that? I couldnt hear you, I had to do flip.

Hey, I'll call you back later OK, I gotta pull real quick!

I hung up and called her back in 5 minutes, acting out of breath. She couldn't believe it, told me that she told everyone at work and thought it was the coolest!

(people have some weird ideas about skydiving i tell ya!)

hahahah! that's great :D

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I wish I'd taken a cell along with me at the Herc boogie at Moorsele in Belgium, years ago
Not only did I land out I landed in a different country...........france

Please tell us how this situation was handled. I'm dying to know the events that followed.

On demo jumps, night jumps, and cross countries, I take my cell phone, about $20 cash, a credit card, my driver license, and my USPA card. That way I can call for a ride, catch a cab, buy dinner, prove to the cops that I'm who I say I am, and convince a senile farmer that I'm not a Soviet paratrooper.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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I have that exact phone. Looks like a strong tandem system by the color and shape of the drogue.

The only time I take my phone is when I'm doing cross country canopy dives.

Cross country and Night jumps. Thats about it. I don't like to have a lot of stuff in my pockets it just makes more bulk and isn't really needed. We don't land off very often at my DZ and there are a lot of alternate places to safely land.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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My friend called me while I was on the way to the DZ, and she knew I was jumping that day. My windows were open, and I didn't bother closing them before answering.

Whatsup? What r u doin?

Not much, you?

Ahhh, just skydiving... (holding the phone out the window for a few seconds)

Hangon, what was that? I couldnt hear you, I had to do flip.

Hey, I'll call you back later OK, I gotta pull real quick!

I hung up and called her back in 5 minutes, acting out of breath. She couldn't believe it, told me that she told everyone at work and thought it was the coolest!

(people have some weird ideas about skydiving i tell ya!)

OMFG!!! I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago...
My ex-wife called while I was on the way home from the dz. I knew what she wanted ($$$$) and I didn't really want to talk to her. I usually just let it ring over to voice mail, but... I decided to have a little fun. I rolled down the window, leaned out just a bit, hit the talk button:
: Hello?
: Hey! Can you hear me????
: YES!
: OK!

I waited a couple of hours and called her back. She asked if I was really skydiving when I answered the phone... I said "of course I was honey". She then asked "Isn't that dangerous?" I said that we really weren't supposed to be talking on the phone while we were skydiving, but my instructor wasn't looking when I answered, that's why I couldn't talk very long.
She said OK but you need to be a little more careful when you're skydiving....

And yes, she is just dim enough to believe that story, although I did have to level with her eventually... She would have told everyone that story and they probably would have laughed their asses off at her.



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Pullup chord? That's what a shoelace is for

You ever jump with vallerina? You may have shoes on when you enter the plane...but somehow when you land, they're gone. :D


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Last December doing the
"100 years of flight~Kitty Hawk Demo"

We (100 jumpers) walked the LZ for a while
and went into final dirt dives...

While loading, almost everyone was on the phone
calling home...:)
cool dive to be on..and SHARE.B|

A girl in our plane was talking to her B/F on jumprun,
I heard her say..

"I'm leaving it on..let me know what you hear!"

Cool Idea..wish I would have thought of it!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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