
Two Years in South Korea - Taking a Break from Jumping....

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I've made the decision to serve as a full-time missionary for my church, and they've assigned me to the West Seoul Area. Those of you who know me know the LONG time it took for me to make the decision to do so. I'm really happy that I am, I know it's going to be a great experience...
However, I know this means I'm going to have to hang my rig up for a couple off years..... [:/] That's okay, I have my entire life to skydive, and It'll be here when I come home. SduCoach & I have made arrangements when I get back in Spring 2007 to get my Coach and My "I" current again, and my rigger "Rigger Dave" in Kansas City is helping me put my rig up to store for a couple years. Arrangments have been made to have my rig ready-to-jump when I get back... :)I have until Christmas to get my fix of jumping for a while, then it's off to Provo Utah for some training for three months then off to South Korea! How cool is that!?? :)I'm gunna miss ya guys - I'll think of you all when it comes to WFFC05 and WFFC06, I'll have to get somebody to fill me in on what I'vee missed!!

Edited to Add - I think Skybytch knows the situation best - I'm guessing this is going to be a suprise to her..;)
=========Shaun ==========

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Try kimchee and especially bulgogi.

I've been eatting Kimchee for a while, and lately I've started a program of getted used to it. I still hate it, but I figure If i make myself eat enough of it, It'll grow on me over time. either that or start something growing inside of me...:S
=========Shaun ==========

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If you have to train yourself to like bulgogi then you aren't human - it's freakin' AWESOME! You will have a hard time over there if you don't at least learn to tolerate Kimchee.

If you don't know any Korean yet, I highly recommend the Pimsleur language learning series. Expensive, but worth it.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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If you don't know any Korean yet, I highly recommend the Pimsleur language learning series. Expensive, but worth it.

I'm learning some right now, but the progam I'll be in in Provo Utah is Really intense - basically instant imersion. The government has been copying this program of language training for it's personelle for years.
Imersion is really the best way to go. My brother did the same thing i'm doing, but he was shipped to Albania about 3 weeks after communism fell. No training, no nothing. Just dropped him off in Tierena (Spelling?!?) and he and his buddies were fluent in about 5 months.
I love bulgogi - I've tried to make it myself, but I can never get it just quite like the korean family down the street can. YUM!!
=========Shaun ==========

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My next vacation next year, I will do a short mission trip probably in Mexico..our church W/youth and adults help/build houses and paint other peoples homes there every year. We actually use our own money to go..I think each house is $2000 and this year we're doing two..and some people cannot go because we have more than enough people going already!

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My next vacation next year, I will do a short mission trip probably in Mexico..our church W/youth and adults help/build houses and paint other peoples homes there every year. We actually use our own money to go..I think each house is $2000 and this year we're doing two..and some people cannot go because we have more than enough people going already!

Yeah, this is out of my pocket too, but that's alright. It's about $400 a month, and if for some reason I fall behind, there is a chain of people who will help pick it up. It's a really cool system actually...
=========Shaun ==========

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I think Skybytch knows the situation best - I'm guessing this is going to be a suprise to her..

A very good surprise! This is going to be an experience of a lifetime for you - it is totally cool that you get to go someplace outside the US. B|

Know that you have my utmost respect for continuing to stay true to your principles and values. I said it at Rantoul and I'll say it again - your parents should be very proud of the awesome young man you are.

You'll have to send me contact info - you will be able to get snail mail while you're over there, right?

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Soju tents are most evil. I've been to South Korea several times. Always managed to find some trouble to get into. Do not underestimate the alcoholic power of soju. It has a way of hitting you all at once.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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