
Who's goin to Chick's Rock?

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[Don't worry, my Perris girls, I'll be there to greet you both with big hugs! Since I am not going to be in the air, yet, I can introduce you both to the Elsi family. :)

I'm looking forward to seeing you too Rosa. It's been way too long!

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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oops nope..:( sowwwwwwyyyyyyy

I am hopping on a little ole AlaskaAir 737.... and flying into Ontario on Friday...

Oh.. I saw someone talking about more partying and drinking.. hmmm 2 weeks to recover...... OK :)
And I Hope Mel and some of the other Pink Mafia can show up.. I miss all my little sisters....I cant wait for another Dorothy in Oz jump:ph34r:

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Hiya Amazon!

T'was a great little 7 way we did at the Byron Boogie and I truly enjoyed getting my swoop on with barbie! I think she liked it too.

Chicks Rock is in the agenda for a bunch of us from Byron.

maybe more....

I look forward to this one all year long! Can't wait to see all my girls.


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Yuppers.. dat waz fun:P

Just go on.. make me fly under 120 MPH.. eeesh 119 average first half...114 second half....that is some seriously slow stuff for my big fast butt.

The second PMS jump was fun too with Connie gettin her Barbie pass in the sit train.. and then getting to scare Bon Bon with my suit flying me...Its funny to watch the video...the legs on the white suit are like 18" wide;)

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I have been summoned by Aubrey to be there. What can I do. He's twisting my arm... I guess I'll be there then...:(:)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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oops nope..:( sowwwwwwyyyyyyy

I am hopping on a little ole AlaskaAir 737.... and flying into Ontario on Friday...

Aw Jeanne, I was so hoping to jump with you this time. I'm all healed up and I will be there. Jumping too.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I look forward to this one all year long! Can't wait to see all my girls.


And you dont wanna see me??:P

I'm sorry but what part of "CHICKS ROCK" do you not understand? They have the annual "Dicks Rock" boogie the same weekend in Byron. You can go there. :P

(read my sigline)


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I was saying nope.. to Snowbird.. I will not be driving.. I have to fly down. I dont know anyone who is driving down from up here at all. In fact I dont know anyone else from up here that is even going. But I will be representing all the jumpers who have to put up with this pristine clear albeit cloudy...chilly...rainy weather of the Pacific NorthWET in the sunny if somewhat smoggy skys of Southern Cailifornia.

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oh rats

I was hoping yall would make it..

[:/] me too jeanne. i am sorry i'll be missing you, erica, and rosa, and missing meeting all the other girls (and boys) that are going that will be there. i've heard it's a great boogie. i will try to better organize some girls (and boys) to go next year. :S

i'll be seeing mel and some other east coasters for halloween, which made not going to chicks rocks, a little less sad.

hope you all have loads of fun! :)

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i'll be seeing mel and some other east coasters for halloween

Yes, a few people PMed me when I took myself off the Skydive Atlanta list. Sadly, I am not going there for Halloween, anymore. I figured that since I'm not jumping yet, my BF and I could always do something special out this way instead. Sorry Bet, Meli, Mouth, Alli, etc. :$ I will miss you all terribly.

Jeannie ~ Missy Nelson, Gillian and the Elsinore hottie LOs will be there, as well as many amazing sky chickies and many, many sky dudes (lol!) from all over. Trust me, it is one damned awesome boogie, my dear! You won't be dissappointed! B|

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I reserve the right to be only moderately-friendly.

Yeah right. . .you are always friendly. . .so just knock it off. . .B|

Anyway, I will be there and camping with my big A$$ tent, so if anyone needs crash space, pm me and let me know. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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