
Good Deeds unto Others?

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This world is full of individuals who are doing good thing for others; sometimes just between friends and family, other times for much greater causes... and often anonymously. It always makes me feel good to witness the goodness of people on behalf of others - it helps balance it with my cynicism. Plus it always makes me feel good to do something for others, especially when they have had a down day or are going through tough stuff.

what good deed have you done today or recently, or seen others to for others less fortunate?

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Whenever I meet someone, I always try to think of what I could do to make their day just a little better. If it's someone I dont know on the sidewalk...I simply smile at them. If I see someone all the way across the lobby in my building, I'll hold up the elevator for them. If my friend is bored, I drive an hour to see them and make their night better. Things like that put me in a good mood as well.

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I prefer not to tell about my "good deeds"...what's the point of bragging?

It's not always bragging. Sometimes, people just like to share ways they've helped out, and it gives others ideas on how to help out. For example, if I heard that one of my friends worked at a soup kitched during their lunch hour a block away from where I work, I'd probably go and help out. I'd be glad they shared that info because otherwise, I wouldn't have known about it. So, it's not always bragging...sometimes, people just like to share their experiences.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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yeah, Val, I know, I wasn't trying to insinuate anything...what I really meant to say ( ack! I'm a communications major and I hafta to fix what I meant?! :S ), was that I personally don't like to tell others about what I've done, because then I might get self-righteous and big-headed about it. I guess I need to work on that thing called H-U-M-I-L-I-T-Y.
but you're right, share ideas, discuss amongst yourselves...:)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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okay, now to answer your post the way you wanted me to...:)2 weeks ago it was pouring outside and I had to work in one of the dorms. I had to run from the Graduate Center to the dorm and I got completely soaked, so one girl lent me a shirt and shorts to change into and another one lent me a blankie to cover up with. :)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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what good deed have you done today or recently, or seen others to for others less fortunate?

I keep a journal called "Pay It Forward." My goal is to do 5 kindnesses daily to remind myself to stay focussed outward and not on self and self's problems. It works, too.

But in addition to that, I work with two children's charities. This Sunday, I will be at Olive Crest's Ride for Kids for several hours, fundraising/doing publicity with my father. And this week, I donated 6 Hallowe'en costumes and a dozen pumpkins to a local orphanage (done anonymously...I don't need the credit, and the kids need the love). They still need more costumes, so I may be making a second run to a certified happy store and getting a few more.

Things like that remind me that no matter what else is going on in my world, I have the ability to contribute to others' happiness...often, it's nothing more than holding the door for someone, or giving someone a hand with packages. And it can impact their day so positively and change their mood. I like knowing that I created a bit of happiness for others.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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When dealing with strangers, my motto is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

When dealing with family, friends, co-workers, or others I have regular contact with, my mantra is "do onto others AS they do unto you."

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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What kills me is when you do a good deed and it ends up having negetive results. Like the "No more Mr. Nice Guy" syndrome. But I let it go and hope that goodness will prevail.

I've been thinking about your comment all day.

For me (and that's all I can ever speak to, my opinion...) it's less about "Mr. Nice Guy" but rather being aware of those folks around you who may need a hand whether you know them or not.

Letting the car in front of you merge over in traffic instead of cutting them off, or getting someone a cup of coffee at work since you're already getting one for yourself. Or reaching the top shelf for the handicapped person at the market, or reading a dozen cards for the greatgrandma who left her glasses at home and it's her greatgranddaughter's birthday.

It's about appreciating people around you - bringing lunch in for the receptionist who's done extra things for you when they didn't have to. Holding open a door for someone struggling with a baby carriage. Putting jump tickets on someone's account just because.

Ultimately, it's more for self, I think, than for others. The way being decent and kind to people makes you feel...or knowing that you made someone smile that day. Or helping someone change their mood just because they feel valued - even from a stranger - on a day when their world is just rough...knowing that you've made a difference in the world because you weren't rushed, you weren't focused on yourself and your problems.

At least, that's why I do it.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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