
doggie drama

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well we had a frightning event last night with our little yorkie .we work the 3:30 to midnight shift.we came home and i was playing with our little yorkie (radar) and he loves to play fetch.only thing is that you kind of have to wrestle the toy away from him to toss it.well we had been playing this game for about a half an hour and i was shaking the toy and he made a spinning jump turn and the little guy hit his head on the tile floor and knocked himself out.when i picked him up off the floor his little tounge was hanging out and his heart rate was really slow.we called our vet and we found out that we have a after hours emergency animal clinic that the local vets have set up. so at 2:30 this morning we took radar to see the vet.by the time we got there he was starting to come around but he is so small that we didnt want to take a chance with a head injury.the vet looked him over and said that he had just rung his bell and gave him something for pain and soreness and said to watch him. right now he has all his toys at my feet and is growling at me because he wants to play again.think we are gonna have a non play day today.man the things i do for my kids

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