
Do you have your own office?

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I think at the end of each day people should have to put all their stuff on a little cart each and park it in a staging area.

Then in the morning, you get your stuff and park in whatever (office, cubicle, cublet, etc) is open.

First in gets the best offices - last in must sit in the aisles and let people walk on them. All we need is wireless networks for the laptops.

Also, it's easier to administrate layoffs and firings. Mobility is very important. And, facilities manpower could be greatly reduced since moving phone connections, and people would be eliminated as a function.

Have you seen my stapler?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Ah that's right, some of you have actually SEEN my truck. Well, yea, I do work out of it, but my computer and about 3 feet worth of bills are in my office.

I know that problem! When I'm working in the field, my truck serves as my office, my cafeteria, my rec room, and everything else. It only takes one day of pushing papers in there to make it VERY cluttered. People who see it after two or more days in the field ask me if I'm living in it. The work I do involves a fair amount of either doing nothing or just watching others work, providing me plenty of opportunities to do things like catch up on my mail, so the laptop and the bills also end up in my truck.


I have chainsaws, and ladders and hedgetrimmers and gas and oil....not a lot of room for paper or computer. I do think I need to get a laptop next year tho, it would make sending bills to clients faster...

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i have my own office and it's because im the major incident warden in a major shopping centre so it's great i have ppl come and visit me when they need advice on what to do and im very rearly in there i'm a Security Guard and have quit a few responciblilities there as well like fire warden, major incident warden, and customer service and a few more i cant be bothered to name.

But it's not so lonly unles im deep in work and get board. but i can juat radio for another security guard to come up stairs to see me and they will then ill give them somehting to do and i will no longer be board or lonely.

I think i might buy myslef an inflatable wayne (my better half) then ill never be board or lonely. ;)

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I take it all back! I love having my own office! I just realized I can close my door and play my own music all I want! I have Wilco playing right now and no one's bitching at me!


Music Match ROCKS!


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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B| Have my own office! With a great few of the mountains, big comfortable chair, my stereo & my computer, so I can email anyone that I really want to talk to... And the best thing is, I only have to see my boss when I want to.. He leaves me pretty much alone, (probably because Im doing his job too!)

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