
What "handed" are you?

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Somewhat ambidextrous.
I was a true righty but a couple of years ago I got weird urges to do more things with my left hand.

I use the computer mouse with my left, hold my drinking glass in my left. I can write passably with my left hand, although slower than my right.

I should work on this and become truly ambidextrous. I am also bilingual, maybe I should write something in German with my left hand while simultaneoulsy write a word in English with my right.

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I am a southpaw!

I am so left handed that i cant even cut a steak the nromal way. Now you know? How right handed people can cut a steak by holding a fork normally in their left and knife in the other. Well i have to hold the fork backwards in my right hand and place my thumb at the bottom of the fork-before the skinny part- to get any leverage to cut properly

Also I am left hand because keep waking up on the wrong side of the bed everyday.

I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

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I voted lefty. Both parents and siblings are righty

Eating, writing, bowling, batting, golfing, kicking, in hockey my left hand is the lower one and talking on phone is all done w/ my left hand. Also, I flake my canopy over my left shoulder

Operating a mouse, tennis (giving me a great advantage for two handed backstrokes since I bat lefty), throwing, snowboarding/skating and deploying are all done w/ my right hand or regular foot (right foot in back). Play drums the standard right handed way, using my "stronger" right arm to keep the high-hat/ride cymbal beat while my left keeps the slower snare drum beat. I've also noticed that I hear better out of my left ear and feel very uncomfortable walking next to someone on their left.:P


--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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Another leftie here. Both my parents are right handed. I do have 1 brother who is a leftie also.

Notebooks and binders were a bitch in school, as were all the "right sided" desks. I have a permanent ink stain on my left hand. Lastly, learning to pull the ripcord with my right hand did not feel natural.[:/]


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I'm a righty. I think my sister was a natural lefty, but I started her playing ball before she could right to find out and all we had were gloves for right handers so I converted her. When she was in highschool and playing volleyball it would really fuck with the opposing teams. She go up to spike like she was gonna hit it right handed then actually spike the ball with her left. Looked wierd but was very effective
I've done so much, with so little, for so long
I'm now expected to do everything with nothing forever

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Im a righty, but i do golf lefty when i'm doing miniature golf. Thats about it. I do EVERYTHING with my right. The downfall is that I already have a hearing problem with my left ear so I almost always have to be to the person's on the persons left that i am walking with because asking someone 15 times "WHAT?" gets annoying.

The words I have to say, May well be simple but they're true, Until you give your love, There's nothing more that we can do-David Bowie

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But meh, in a sport where one second can win a race over thousands of miles, I can't really say that I think a guy who wins by one second really "won." If you can't get more than a one-second edge over a guy during the course of 1000 miles, it's my view that the two of you are almost perfectly an even match.

I can't be alone in thinking this, or that when two swimmers tap the edge of the pool .0024 seconds apart, that the first guy really "won."

Do you feel the same way if they consistently win by such small margins?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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But meh, in a sport where one second can win a race over thousands of miles, I can't really say that I think a guy who wins by one second really "won." If you can't get more than a one-second edge over a guy during the course of 1000 miles, it's my view that the two of you are almost perfectly an even match.

I can't be alone in thinking this, or that when two swimmers tap the edge of the pool .0024 seconds apart, that the first guy really "won."

Do you feel the same way if they consistently win by such small margins?


If two guys were to race and one always won by that same few thousandths of a second, I'd say that he and the other guy are still just about evenly matched. We're talking about a difference that you cannot really discern, unless the speeds of the travelers involved are pretty high. Two planes in an air race doing 250mph can have a serious distance between each other and still be separated by a small fraction of a second. It's not the same as with people running/swimming at "human speeds."

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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