
Substitute teacher pranks

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The thread on fake names got me thinking of things we used to do to substitute teachers and just stupid substitute teachers.

Add fake names to the roll:

Dick Hertz was always good...

Flashback to school when you had a substitute teacher. Steal the roll and add the name.

Clueless teacher: "Dick Hertz, Dick Hertz, Okay whose Dick Hertz?"
Whole class (girls too) stands up, grabs crotch and moans....

In band class, we'd switch instruments, play them upside down, etc.

The two winningest subs i ever had were:

A substitute gym teacher that got my last name wrong (I'll save you the look at my profiles, it's Johnson) :P He called me Jo-hone-son :P

The other was this lady that all she had to do was start the VCR in science class, she was so pathetic we didn't even mess with her, it was too easy... :|After 5 minutes of getting nowhere she started yelling at us, accusing us of breaking it. >:(
I stood up looked her in the face, and said, "I'm sorry, I took this out of the VCR"
In my hand hand I had a lab stand that was MUCH bigger than the VCR, but at this point she just yelled "You put that back in there right now!!!"
The whole class exploded in laughter as I "tried" to put the piece back in. After a minute or two I explained to her that it was not geometrically possible (No, I didn't use those words with this twit) for this to go in and fixed the VCR for her.
I think that was the last time she ever substituted. :P:)

So what have you done? I just know Mouth and Lewmonst are gonna looooove this thread... :P
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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In band class, we'd switch instruments, play them upside down, etc.

did this all the time... and damn did we sound good for the subs....
hell we did that to the regular band teacher...
though he thought it was funn the first couple of times....

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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A few of us in math class had HP Calculators with built-in infared. You could load on app on there to use it as a remote control, which we did. Needless to say, we could control the TVs in the room from 30+ feet away and unless you knew that these calculators were capable of it--you were screwed trying to figure out why the tv is coming on, changing channels and increasing volume--'all on it's own'
2+2=5 For Large Values Of 2

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