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ok i am the smallest or should i say lightest jumper at my dz.so i get to go on what we call the estrogen loads with all the girls.thats right me (one male) and the rest of the load is the skychicks.so we were talking about making me some moobs (man boobs) to help me "fit in".i am thinking about panty hose and rice.dont want to hear water balloons as the men get jealous of me and would bust them.any ideas.***if you are on the edge ya might as well step off.

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If you get a Hot Bod jumpsuit, it'll make all of your best assets look better :P, and give you a nice curvy figure to boot.

I'd suggest something in lavender, yellow, and teal. kind of like in here (from WFFC's "What are the odds" thread:).

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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