
Precision Canopy WINNER!!!

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We have a winner!

The winner has been notified by the e-mail address provided. (We want to ensure that you are providing actual address!)

I know who you are... and if you check your e-mail, you too will know if you have won.

Our winner will receive any sport main or reserve canopy, custom if you prefer or take one off our stock shelf for immediate delivery.

If I do not receive confirmation from the winner by Monday October 11, 2004 by 9:00 C.D.T, we will assume that the address was not valid and choose another winner.

If you have friends that have entered, please have them check their e-mail.

This is non-transferable, canopy must be ordered by 10/31/04 if custom or stock. We reserve the right to limit your choice to an appropriate model... (i.e. crossbraced for 500 jump experience or better.)

As soon as I receive confirmation from the winner, we will announce the name.

And keep entering, we are now in "Win a Precision Canopy, Round 2!"


Chris Martin



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HUM, you must not know who I am cause you didn't send me the winning email.:(

Oh well I guess it is time for wine and the jacuzzi since I can't pick my custom colors.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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***This sux!


Well I didn't enter so no complaints from me...but I sure am tickled for whomever won. Good on you and congratulations!

Tee hee. :S

Why'd you quote me? I didn't say it sucked that someone else won What I said was that it sucked that if e-mails were going to losers and I didn't get one, then that meant that registering didn't actually work for me (which means I had no chance).

No big deal, tho. I'm not going to bother registering again because if my last one wasn't rec'd, then what makes me think this one will be?


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And keep entering, we are now in "Win a Precision Canopy, Round 2!"

so do we need to re enter. or will the original entry count?

I would like to know this as well.. :) I got my junk mail (which does offer a couple decent deals if it's what your looking for)..

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
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Hey I dont mind sales mail from some places.. like Square One or Precision.. Square One has a free Protrack every month.. that I have not won yet....

SOOOO I do not mind finding out about other skydive stuff that is on sale...

ITs a marketing tool.. if you want to win something.. you have to put up with getting some email about the stuff on sale... I for one think its a good deal in this case.

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I've been copying myself on different addresses and it seems that some deliver much faster than others...

I have some email accounts that still haven't been delivered... check your mail later and even in the morning too...

It ain't over til it's over...

And the winner has not claimed the prize yet... the winner may be just a few electrons away from where you're sitting.


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ITs a marketing tool.. if you want to win something.. you have to put up with getting some email about the stuff on sale... I for one think its a good deal in this case.

Most reputable sites now have a box that you can check saying you don't want to get promotional e-mail. I looked for that and didn't see it, so I asked about it in the original thread. I got a smart-ass remark about spam being canned ham. Now I see that I did get spam after all. That's a good way to piss people off and lose a potential customer, which is what has happened now.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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