
Drowning Puppies

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I wake up from my nap today(I usually am at work and don't get one of those) and look around for my 2 yr old daughter. My wife is at work and I'm supposed to be watching the kids. She was supposed to be napping in her bed, but she is not there. I look all around the house and start to panic.

Then I look at the back glass slider and the lock is up. I go in the back yard and horrified at what I see. She is soaking wet and all nine of our 4 week old lab puppies are crowded in their water bucket. The bucket is pretty big, so they are standing on their back feet with their front feet on the sides of the bucket. They are shivering. Its gotta be at least 80 today in Houston, but I guess they were still hypothermic with being in the metal bucket full of water. My daughter keeps taking puppies out and playing with them and putting them back in. I freak out for a second until my daughter looks up at me and says, "I'm giving the puppies a bath."

How in the world can you be mad at her then?

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I've got a better one. I was about 2. My parents take me to a dinner party at a friends house. They have a pool and there are tables with food set up around it. At sometime during the night I decide that jumping in the pool is a good idea. (Luckily I picked the shallow end!) Of course....I'm 2 and have NO idea how to swim but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Luckily my Mom wasn't far away and was able to quickly pull me out by my shirt. Being the upset mother she yells at me. "What the hell were you doing?!?!?!?!?!" My answer......"I was swimmin." Apparently I said this as matter of factly as a 2 year old can say something. :D:D:D No fear whatsoever. Sometimes it amazes me that I have made it this far. When I tell my Mom that I remember that incident she doesn't believe me. :D

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sitting down with his hand in a wholesale size bucket of peanut butter

MAN where can someone get a tub of peanut butter?
but yeah i have stories liek this of when i was a kid. if only i could remember any of them.

My sister had a doll called "Baby Alive" that would eat some prepared mush food.

I must have been about 3, and she was 4, and I have this memory of being fascinated with the doll's food. My sister admonished me (probably with a wagging finger), "Now don't eat the doll's food!" (and something about it being bad or poison or something, I think) so...
what do you think I did? :P

Good thing the manufacturers were sure to make the food non-toxic 'cause they just knew some fool kid would eat it.

Amazingly, though, I was never a paste- or booger-eater. :P Though I am rather orally fixated... LOL!

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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