
Post a pic of _your_ new rig! ! !

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Nope I got a tony freefly suit, I like the ouragan suits but I didnt want to wait 3-4 months for one, same with firefly.

Oh ho ho, I didn't realize what I was getting into when I ordered an Ouragan suit from Nancy after meeting her and Justin at Skydive SoBe... I had to wait a good long time, especially since I was getting custom work done design-wise, but...

The wait is now history, but I have a gorgeous royal blue suit with custom embroidered "knot-work" to show for it, and it's amazing!

Besides, Nancy is such an excellent, feistyspunkyUP person! Her spirit and enthusiasm are infectious! I drove all the way from West Palm Beach to DeLand on the weekend of my 100th jump just to pick up my suit so I could wear it on that special skydive. :)
Nancy is an artist -- her entire heart is in her work, and it shows.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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yeah baby! my pretty rig is in that one too! (purple tie dye).
ms. melstarr has a BEAUTIFUL new javelin and jump suit. i've seen the pics... come on mel..... :D

yes, bee, you have a Beautiful Purple-Play Wings! and i thank you for complimenting my new Javie-Ody :$

oh annie-babe, i am so excited to see your new Voodoo! it's going to be Wonderful, just like all the baby-cakes out there! we can't wait to see your pics, yaaaaaay!

i haven't been able to play on dz.com much - but i am so happy to read all the generous-sweet words!

attached is my new Javie B| i LOVE it so freaking much, and it fits me so sweetly*

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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