
What if your significant other screwed around?

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Looking at the results so far, it feels really good to see that the vast majority of people (or at least from the sample polled here..) still value relationship... rock on!:)

Umm where's it say that?
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Looking at the results so far, it feels really good to see that the vast majority of people (or at least from the sample polled here..) still value relationship... rock on!
Umm where's it say that?

It was inferred since the vast majority of those polled voted to Divorce their partner automatically - I just came to the logical conclusion that it meant that those polled still felt that Infidelity was inappropriate....
=========Shaun ==========

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I had it done to me,

Got sent home from work one day about 15 yrs ago, sick with the flu, walked in my front door and looked down the hallway (mobile home) and this guy was plowing her in MY bed....... turned around walked out went to my mothers and went to sleep till later that night, went home and threw her out.....

wasnt worth killing either of them or myself over...
I can laugh about it now, but it was really hard to learn to trust again after that.......

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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I guess you are talking about if you're married...But I have a no tolerance policy for cheating. Especially after 4 of my past girlfriends cheated on me. :)

No LUCK i tell you.

Or maybe I just know how to choose them. :)
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I can see differences in response depending on if I was married to the girl or not.

Cheat=She gone. I don't care what the reasons are, what the relationship is, I would cutaway in an instant. Married, dating, whatever. No excuses.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
The t-shirt has long been gone -
She cheated on me, (Probably mich more than once-) tried to forgive and never really forgot.

Separated in 95, divorced in 96.

I was a wreck, totally demolished. I just didn't know how to handle it. The pain seems unbearable at first, then you finally get used to it, then it goes away. Then you rediscover yourself. Takes longer for some that others.
I was a basket case until I finally walked into the courtroom for the last time. The judge was a woman, she looked me in the eye and smiled and wished me good luck.

Remarried five years ago.

Sharon is a wonderful woman but for some reason it doesn't feel quite as special as the first marriage did. Guess nothings quite the same after that first trip.
Neither of us get upset if the other "looks at the menu" once in a while. I get to go to titty bars every so often. I can rev it and tear it up all I want out on the street, as long as I park it in the garage at night.

If it happened now? Probably wouldn't bother me anywhere near as much. Although I don't look forward to it, I cutaway once and survived, I'm not as afraid of doing of doing it again if I have to.

I like how my reserve flies.

The biggest comfort I have now, is I know I have a great group of very good people (mostly skydivers!) to support me the second time around, that I didn't have before.

Easy Does It

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Hmmm...I'm thinkin' about a wood chipper and a bottle of wine!:):ph34r:

Just make sure you freeze the body fully before you introduce Mr. Wood Chipper. You want the chipper to make a sharp cracking sound, not a squishy/mushy sound while chewing through the body.

And if you're really lucky, your wood chipper will be cursed, and instead of blood, flesh and bone, their net worth in MONEY will come out the other side!

(Yes, big "Friday the 13th: the Series" fan here!)


With my luck their net worth would be zero. But I would be able to take a piece of him with me wherever I go.:):ph34r:
"It's not just a daydream if you choose to make it your life..."

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Sharon is a wonderful woman but for some reason it doesn't feel quite as special as the first marriage did. Guess nothings quite the same after that first trip.
Neither of us get upset if the other "looks at the menu" once in a while. I get to go to titty bars every so often. I can rev it and tear it up all I want out on the street, as long as I park it in the garage at night.

The toughest thing after divorce is learning to trust again. I had the practice marriage too. My husband now was for the early part of our relationship very hurt that I didn't totally give him my heart, didn't totally trust him. He was right, I was really short changing us. It took time and healing, but he now has my trust completely and this marriage is more special and close and true than my first one.

I was on the other end, was with a married guy. After that, if Chad cheated, he'd be out the door. The good part is that I know hell would freeze over before he'd hurt me in any way. He's the most loving and attentive and kind man I've ever met.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Been there twice, once while married, one it was a girlfriend. I wanted to try and reconcile with the wife but wasn't given the opportunity, so when it happened with the girlfriend I kept her around while I tried to forgive her. I realized after a few months that infidelity is just something I can't get past, so I dumped her. I hope to never find myself in that position again, but if I do, the day I find out will be the last day of the relationship.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I'd bounce her ass to the frickin curb! That shit's ridiculous. Scum sucking bastards! If you consider cheating then you should not be in that relationship, period.

I was cheated on once and it sucked bad! So her ass is divorced---plain and simple---no inbetween. Life to short to deal with bullshit....

Sorry, one of those topics that fires me up. Can't stand it when people cheat on there significant others. it's crap..

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