
Holly's bday

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I wondered if it was proper to make a post or not, then decided i would go ahead and do it. Today would've been Holly's bday. I still miss her and think of her often.

Love you holly girl. Keep partying like a rockstar with those angels.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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strange.. i finally got around to hanging her picture up in my new apartment today... i had no idea it was her B-Day...

the world is certainly less bright without her....

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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i so completely and totally agree... when i think about her i cant help but smile... NO ONE could be in a bad mood with her around.... she simply wouldnt allow it... B|
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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yeah.. I know.. pisses me off when I couldn't stay in a bad mood:P

She certainly was a doll.

You, in a bad mood Tim?... na! .. you must have Holly around in spirit, cause I don't think I've seen you in a bad mood. ;)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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dude.. i didnt say "hi" to her one day at eloy... we barely knew each other, but had talked a few times... I was definately in a pissy mood so was kind of withdrawn and i guess i had walked by her a few times without really noticing...

damn girl trip tackled and tickled me till i couldnt stop laughing.....

see i cant not smile just thinking about it..... I really miss her....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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A Holly hug was the best hug in the world.

From Holly's diary

"Every day I realize more and more how
perfectly wonderful life is. I am truly blessed
to just be here, enjoying this moment. Putting
these mere words on paper can't nearly
describe my diverse range of emotions felt on
a daily basis. I am but one soul standing at
the tip of an iceberg cascading down, called
life. Perhaps I should rephrase this. I am at
the bottom staring up upon this angelic,
crystalized, God-sent perfection, on my
journey up."
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Damn, I wish I'd met her.

I'd look at her avatar, the one with her laughing and flipping off the camera, and I couldn't wait to meet her. I know I missed out.

Happy birthday, Holly!! We'll meet eventually. In the meantime, watch over your friends and fly your beautiful heart out!!

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I'm very lucky to have met her - 1 hour before her accident. She heard about me and I heard about her and finally we met on that day. She jumped in my neck like we've known each other forever - and it felt like that too. I'll never forget her beautiful smile and sparkling eyes.

Happy birthday beautiful Angel Holly!

Take risks not to escape life but to prevent life from escaping

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"No pain is deeper, no sorrow more loathsome, no agony more intense, then the loss of a truly great and wonderful friend....."
author unknown

always post on this day sunny, never forget her, she sounds like the kinda girl, that no one would ever want to forget

blue skies holly the :) blue skies..........

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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A Holly hug was the best hug in the world.

From Holly's diary

"Every day I realize more and more how
perfectly wonderful life is. I am truly blessed
to just be here, enjoying this moment. Putting
these mere words on paper can't nearly
describe my diverse range of emotions felt on
a daily basis. I am but one soul standing at
the tip of an iceberg cascading down, called
life. Perhaps I should rephrase this. I am at
the bottom staring up upon this angelic,
crystalized, God-sent perfection, on my
journey up."

they read that at her memorial. Those are definitely words that i wont forget any time soon.

(have them saved to my harddrive)

Happy bitrthday, hol
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