
Student AFFI GoPro entanglement

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I've seen a number of these videos of the student PC getting caught in the instructor's camera. Is it really necessary for the main-side instructor to have a camera? And if it is, perhaps a better mount than the terrible one in this video would be a good idea?

"So many fatalities and injuries are caused by decisions jumpers make before even getting into the aircraft. Skydiving can be safe AND fun at the same time...Honest." - Bill Booth

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Great timing on this object lesson with the recent focus on gopro safety. This is one scary video:


I'd comment but... SPOILERS.

Another reason for student ripcords. I was solo on jump 8 but hand deploy at # 13. Back when Aff was seven jumps total for AFF. None of the 25 jump crap to get an A.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Another reason for student ripcords.

Wait, we should change the students' deployment system because AFFIs want to wear snaggy camera mounts?
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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and because spring loaded PCs are known for immediately clearing the burble and deploying into clean air. This is especially true with AFF jumps with two instructors. There has never once been a spring loaded PC that bounced around and posed an entanglement hazard..... [/sarcasm]

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I don't understand this love for student ripcord deployed sping loaded mains at all. Maybe it's just because it's outside of my experience. I don't know of any DZ using this in Canada, and we seem to do just fine with throw outs.

Of course we are one tenth the population of the US, so the sample size is much smaller. Do most US dzs really use spring loaded p/cs for student mains? I always thought it was just the backward frozen in time BPA that insisted on this.
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***Great timing on this object lesson with the recent focus on gopro safety. This is one scary video:


I'd comment but... SPOILERS.

Another reason for student ripcords. I was solo on jump 8 but hand deploy at # 13. Back when Aff was seven jumps total for AFF. None of the 25 jump crap to get an A.

AFF can still be 7 jumps, then you need 25 jumps to get your A.

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>I don't understand this love for student ripcord deployed sping loaded mains at all.

There is a minor benefit in that a student that holds onto a ripcord still gets a deployment. However, after working with both systems, that is a minor benefit at best.

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Our static-liners who proceed to freefall without doing any AFF-jumps all use ripcords.

In the Netherlands, you have to prove that you can (generally) regain stability in freefall, as wel as remain stable during deployment before you are allowed to jump throwaway systems. AFF-students perform these tests during their course, and if all else fails there's an instructor there to deploy for them.

I suppose the reasoning is that a springloaded PC will launch itself away from a student who is unstable, whereas a handdeployed PC will only get caught in the burble and thus complicate matters in an already stressful situation.
On the flip side, hesitations occur regularly with a springloaded PC when the student is stable. But that is only a minor inconvenience which students are taught to expect.
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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