
I've been told we clean up Ok...

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Daaaaaaaaaaammnn, girl... you look gorgeous!!! What was the occasion? (Did I miss that?) Yeah, I'll agree... Chuckie's looking mighty fine too!

Yeah, I like people who are willing to get down and dirty, stinky and real but who also can appreciate cleaning up nicely and putting on dancing shoes. You are Chuck are just that sort! Love it!

The picture at Sebastian is great too.

I'll send a hug to you via your monkey when I see him in Perris next week. Look fwd to seeing you both later in the month!

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What happened to the hair? Does Mr. Manson have a parole hearing?:P

You're looking HOT by the way.;):)

No haircut; it's just pulled back into a (quite long now) ponytail in that pic. I still have the full-on Manson look on call at a moments notice.

I'm really glad you didn't cut it. I didn't think I'd like it when you frist started growing it but now I REALLY think it becomes you. I simply can't imagine you without it again.

I like Katie's long too.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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we attended a wedding last weekend in indianapolis

wow i was at a wedding (my sisters's) myslef last weekend... not far from there.. a mere 3 hour drive (give or take dependingon trafic) lets see if i can find a picture..............

p.s. nice pic of you guys......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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NOICE pic, Katie & Chuck!

I hope this doesn't sound 'stalker-ish' but I had to save that one! You do look like a Princess and Chuck is so handsome in that pic he almost looks well-behaved! (Did he yell 'what yo name iz' at anyone?)

LOVE IT~~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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