
gah...need your help

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I'm currently suffering some sort of cold or deathly plague....but i have the worst sore throat ever. Do any of you have any "home remedies" that could help sooth the soreness of the throat?
my dad suggests i take a shot of rum and honey, then again my dad thinks alcohol cures any sickness haha.
But if anyone has any idea's i'll be sure to try them. I just don't want to be too sick for work tonight

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I'm currently suffering some sort of cold or deathly plague....but i have the worst sore throat ever. Do any of you have any "home remedies" that could help sooth the soreness of the throat?
my dad suggests i take a shot of rum and honey, then again my dad thinks alcohol cures any sickness haha.
But if anyone has any idea's i'll be sure to try them. I just don't want to be too sick for work tonight


especially when YOURE GETTING IT:ph34r:

take two of those and call me in the morning
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Actually what your dad says may work. My grandfather used to make me a drink with lemon juice, honey and whiskey or rum when I was really sick with a sore throat and it always helped. Plus it made me go to sleep. Gargling with warm salt water helps too.

Poor thing! Get better soon.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Actually what your dad says may work. My grandfather used to make me a drink with lemon juice, honey and whiskey or rum when I was really sick with a sore throat and it always helped. Plus it made me go to sleep. Gargling with warm salt water helps too.

Poor thing! Get better soon.

Hot Toddy


* 1 tblsp Honey
* 3/4 glass Tea
* 2 shots Brandy
* 1 slice Lemon

Mixing instructions:

Brew tea and fill tall glass 3/4 full. Mix in honey. Mix in Brandy shots. Add lemon slice and enjoy.
Creator/contributor's comments:

Supposedly cures colds.

I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Fill a mug 2/3rds full with hot tea with 2 teaspoons sugar.:)
Place towel over your head to keep the fumes in.;)

Top up mug with Bushmills malt whiskey.:)

Inhale steam and drink up.B|:D

Repeat as required until you just don't give a damn how ill you are.:D:D:ph34r::S:ph34r:


I'm not sure if it actually cures you, but it certainly relieves the symptoms / sends you unconscious.

Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Oooh. That's a bummer. :( Try knocking yourself out with some Nyquil or Tylonol PM. Keep a pitcher of water by your bedside and chug a glass once an hour. Force yourself. You will be better in 24 hours. (at least it works for me... most of the time :P)

Good luck. Sore throats suck. :(

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1. Cod liver oil tablets
2. Vitamin C with Zinc tablets
3. Echinacia fizzy tablets.
4. Vitamin B complex drink - tastes horrible but good for the recovery phae.

If the cold gets very bad try a glass of brandy and ginger. B|
I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....

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there's an herbal tea called "Throat Coat" made by a company called "Traditional Medicinals". It works great. Better than cough drops, because it doesn't numb your mouth, just stops the throat ouchies. Plus, it tastes really good!


from the website:
Throat Coat provides a protective coating on the membranes that line the throat.* Throat Coat contains herbs with demulcent (soothing) action, and in a clinical study it was shown to provide rapid, temporary relief of sore throat pain.

Ingredients: licorice root 760 mg, slippery elm bark 80 mg, licorice root dry aqueous extract (8:1) 60 mg, organic marshmallow root 60 mg. Proprietary blend: wild cherry bark, bitter fennel fruit, organic cinnamon bark, organic sweet orange peel.

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The Chloraseptic spray works well at night when it your throat tickles you enough to wake you up and you get into coughing fits. I agree that you really need to stay hydrated. In addition, usually sore throats come from nasal discharge going down, so try taking an anti-histamine also to help dry you up. Sudafed is great for that.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I'm currently suffering some sort of cold or deathly plague....but i have the worst sore throat ever. Do any of you have any "home remedies" that could help sooth the soreness of the throat?
my dad suggests i take a shot of rum and honey, then again my dad thinks alcohol cures any sickness haha.
But if anyone has any idea's i'll be sure to try them. I just don't want to be too sick for work tonight

First of all, hydration. Drink at least 10-12 large glasses of water (fruit juice, gatorade) each day.

Second, your throat is imflammed so you need an antiinflammatory drug. Advil (ibuprofen) is a great one! If you have no problem taking Advil, take a loading dose of one gram (5, 200mg OTC pills) then follow with one of the following:

400mg every 4 fours

600mg every 6 hours

800 mg every 8 hours

1000mg every 10 hours.

Vicodin (hydrocodone and tylenol) has no antiflammatory properties. The hydrocodone (synthetic codiene) would help if the pain is severe but the acetaminophen (tylenol) component would be of little benefit.

Hope you feel better.


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The Chloraseptic spray works well at night when it your throat tickles you enough to wake you up and you get into coughing fits. I agree that you really need to stay hydrated. In addition, usually sore throats come from nasal discharge going down, so try taking an anti-histamine also to help dry you up. Sudafed is great for that.

Chloraseptic treats the symptom, not the cause but has it's place in treatment. Hydration is good but then you want to dry up the tissues with an antihistamine ...not good.

Your comments on the etiology of most sore throats (i.e. nasal discharge going down) are off base also. It can be a cause, but not likely.


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I'm currently suffering some sort of cold or deathly plague....but i have the worst sore throat ever. Do any of you have any "home remedies" that could help sooth the soreness of the throat?

I sing & teach it too & it gets bad, advil rocks and I get the wild cherry maximum strength sucrets lozenges. They work really well. I keep sucking down the slippery elm traditional medicines tea too. the one called throat coat.

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Chloraseptic treats the symptom, not the cause

I never said it did.


Your comments on the etiology of most sore throats (i.e. nasal discharge going down) are off base also. It can be a cause, but not likely.

I guess it depends on who you are talking to. Post nasal drip is the cause of 95% of the sore throats in my family because of allergies, and what I described is how my doctor told me to treat all of us.

The best thing for Adam to do is to go see a doctor if his symptoms don't improve.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Chloraseptic treats the symptom, not the cause

I never said it did.


Your comments on the etiology of most sore throats (i.e. nasal discharge going down) are off base also. It can be a cause, but not likely.

I guess it depends on who you are talking to. Post nasal drip is the cause of 95% of the sore throats in my family because of allergies, and what I described is how my doctor told me to treat all of us.

The best thing for Adam to do is to go see a doctor if his symptoms don't improve.

I was accepting his assessment of having 'some sort of cold or deathly plague' and gave advice accordingly.

But, hey, WTFDIK?


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Chloraseptic treats the symptom, not the cause

I never said it did.


Your comments on the etiology of most sore throats (i.e. nasal discharge going down) are off base also. It can be a cause, but not likely.

I guess it depends on who you are talking to. Post nasal drip is the cause of 95% of the sore throats in my family because of allergies, and what I described is how my doctor told me to treat all of us.

The best thing for Adam to do is to go see a doctor if his symptoms don't improve.

I was accepting his assessment of having 'some sort of cold or deathly plague' and gave advice accordingly.

But, hey, WTFDIK?



woh... break it up y'all, no worries, we just all want poor Adam to feel better ;)

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