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Ok then, how about just signing up anyway because you've gotten a lot out of the site and you want it to still be here in the years to come?


The way I see it is even if you don't see much value in the new features most of you have seen quite a bit of value in the existing features. That said this is a good way to "give back" and support what so many of us have enjoyed free for many years.

That said I really don't see that paying a few bucks a month is going to hurt any of us.

Yeah, what they said. That's why I did it mainly. The new features are all well and good, but for me it was just about supporting the cause.


If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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I personally like the feature of sorting my pm's. I've made donations fairly regularly, so now I see this as supporting the site and getting some cool new features in return. And I'm sure HH will work at adding even more features as time goes on.


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Pro's: I have a new swagger in my walk, people stop and talk to me now, everything tastes better.

Did you get a don-kay with your purchase? Or howzabout some pink knickers?


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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PM's are deleted on a reg basis and I get so much spam I was overwhelmed.

You get spam in PM's? I've never heard of that!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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PM's are deleted on a reg basis and I get so much spam I was overwhelmed.

You get spam in PM's? I've never heard of that!

no, no spam in pm's I meant in EMAIL.
I would like to donate $ again, but as i said Blah blah blah.

if thats the main reason to get in then I will just have to wiat until things settle here[:/]
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ok.. here is a big one, for me at least... (other than the donation thing, which i figure i'm getting off cheap on, with the membership prices. 95$ for a year?)

you know all the silly 2 line "heya how bright is your day?" PM's you get from time to time? you know like the 30 or so from Holly I deleted doing some pointless 'house cleaning" a few weeks before we lost her [:/]:(

if I'd had the folder feature then, I'd still have them all....
i keep lots of silly emails that have made me smile, but i generally keep them pretty well organized in folders so my main inbox is fairly empty....one day all the clutter of PMs annoyed me enough i cleaned out a whole lot of them....I havent done that since...

with the folder system i can keep any and everything i wish to and still appease the organizational monkey.... that is worth the price alone for me, and its cheaper than a date with a pixie ;)

whatsa matter JT? its only green pieces of paper, less than that since you have to use a credit card ;) think of the beer and slugs we would have never enjoyed without this site... B|
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Well, most of the Premiere add-ons aren't things that I use anyway. I know there are additional PM options, but I don't get PM's.:(:)For me, it was just a way fro me to schedule donations-I've been way too slack about sending His Forkedness money.

I like this explanation. This is pretty much why I joined up too. I whore too much on here not to give the big guy some money.

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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Hope we add something in the future that you like.

PS - what would you like to see added?

How about getting someone to marry an ex? I'd kick in for the lifetime membership for that.

Until then, I will have to wait till the start of my new fiscal year as this line item was not funded in FY04's budget.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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and its cheaper than a date with a pixie

And..I am still waiting! HUMPH!;)

hmmm well lately i've certainly got the time on my hands, but one imagines you'd prefer a date that is capable of dancing if the mood strikes... ;)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Ok then, how about just signing up anyway because you've gotten a lot out of the site and you want it to still be here in the years to come?

That is the ONLY reason I joined up:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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PS - what would you like to see added?

Well you already sold me but one thing I could think of is a way to organize threads that either I started or contributed. I don't know the easiest way or even if it would work, but you could use the search code and make a page where it run a search on my name and then organizes them by date posted. Maybe have it as an option that you can have it in a box on top of the regular forum posts and you can toggle it on or off. Sometimes my threads get buried or I forget that I was talking in one and it gets buried before I remember. Just an idea.

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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I don't think I'll use any of the new features, not right now anyway.
I think the site is an awesome resource for skydivers and a cool place to hang out while surfing.
I just consider it a donation to help support the site.

Ding Ding Ding!!!

My sentiments exactly. A re-occurring donation that I don't have to think about PLUS all these cool features that are just going on the shelf at this point. I got enough e-mail accounts, and a few IM clients... don't need any more. I'm just waiting to see what else our fearless leader has up his sleeve. :P:P:P:P:P

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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I'm just waiting to see what else our fearless leader has up his sleeve

He's got a bag full of goodies for all of the wonderful people who did as he asked and removed their animated icons :P:D
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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I'm just waiting to see what else our fearless leader has up his sleeve

He's got a bag full of goodies for all of the wonderful people who did as he asked and removed their animated icons :P:D

FYI... big guy and I had a chat about that already. I am exempt cause I had mine before the rule went into effect. BTFU Lou. ;)

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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I joined simply as a way of supporting DZ.com. I appreciate having a forum like this and $95/year is a small price to pay to help support this forum.

Blue Skies!

Buzz Fink

yea thats the resounding answer. believe me I donate when ever I can, not just to HH but to some friends that I occasionally send a JT(that's JUMP TICKET) to when I have the money.
but seriously right now I am in no condition to shell out a few bucks.
shit ,with only 80-90 jumps and this year and only having visted one dz when I was home for a wedding In ny, that may gfive you an idea of just how much my years was tightened up.

(compared to last year)

Im sure you understand, I WILL donate when I can
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I am exempt cause I had mine before the rule went into effect.

Relax Francis, I know, I am just giving you shit cause I know how worked up you get,:P
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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