
What Do You Like to do for Fun?

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Besides skydiving. Obviously everyone who posts on DZ.com loves to skydive, but I'm wondering what other activities people enjoy.

I like camping at the beach, snowboarding, working out, bicycling, roller blading, reading, visiting wineries, taking cruises.

What got me thinking about this is when I dropped off my gear early at Square One I explained that I had to leave to do family things and Brenda was like OMG I forget that people have lives outside of the DZ.

So what do you like to do besides skydive?

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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Work my arse off. But since I'm a newly-wed, I spend as much time with William as possible, play on the internet, run (even though I haven't done this in a while), play with my dogs, play with my nonjumping friends, paint, grow herbs (legal ones), cook, bake, and watch the news (E!). THat's just a little sampling of what I enjoy...B|
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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I just wanted to be the first person to say it. I'm not telling if it's true or not. :P

Note that the first thing on my list was "...newly-wed...spend as much time with William..." It was a subtle hint. :$
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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With winter coming I'll have to say snowmobile. When we've got the snow I ride with my buddies almost every night. Last year I put around 1500 mi. on the sled. Funny before skydiving came along I always had money to buy a new sled every year, now mine is three years old.

In the summer I work almost all the time so I can sneak away on Sundays to jump. If I can I try to take in a couple tractor pulls during the summer.

I'm also a volunteer firefighter so I spend a fair amount of time with that.

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working out (running, swimming, climbing when I can...), watching movies, outdoor type stuff (camping, hiking, etc...), cooking (esp deserts...)

edited to add: sleeping to the list... sleep is good...


Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Well since they already covered sex, I also enjoy base jumping and riding dirt bikes with my kids.

We're taking the dirt bikes to the DZ this weekend and as my oldest was going to bed last night, he asked me if we could take a ramp with us this weekend. & years old and wanting to jump shit on his dirt bike already. I have no idea where he comes up with these crazy ideas....

Ganja "Dial 91 and wait for me to yell now" Rodriguez

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Woo hoo, I just discovered that there is still life outside of the DZ. . .I recalled that I used to always have a life but when I started jumping I kinda forgot about it.

Camping, jet skiing, waterskiing, (and my new-found thrill) wakeboarding. Okay, pretty much anything to do with watersports other than scuba (cause my ears are bothered by it so much). I also snow ski and love to hike. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Bellydancing is my new found passion. Other things i like to do: bicycling, kayaking, swimming, video games, shooting guns, snuggling with my kitties, mooing at cows to confuse them.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Assuming sex is a given, I won't mention it.
I love to snow ski, however, I hardly ever get to. The last time I got to go was in Bresovica, Kosovo in 2002.

Skiing in Kosovo

This might ring a bell, then....

For me, it's horseback riding, skiing, shooting, computer gaming, reading, and music.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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road trips! my wife is a blue man groupie and i like to drive, so we have travelled a fair bit in the last couple of years to see them (boston, new york, vegas, milwaukee, syracuse, then boston again and chicago next week), wanna try snow boarding this winter, indoor rock climbing if they get a gym in town soon, watching movies and eating takeout with my wife, some biking.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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This might ring a bell, then....

For me, it's horseback riding, skiing, shooting, computer gaming, reading, and music.

Cool pics. That mountain was fairly unforgiving in places. Unless you stayed on the beginner slope, you pretty much had two choices...hard or hard. Very...very...fun, though! And fantastic scenery. It was also a great getaway from the usual monotonous daily life there. My team was close enough that we could alternate within the team and take fairly regular trips. It was cool. B|

Attached is a picture of me and a teammate of mine on top of a radio observation post there.

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