
Skydive Tallahassee Boogie-A Long Look Back

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O.K., now that I've gotten the serious stuff off my chest, and Kevin has brought up what I think was the quintessential end-of-boogie moment, it's time to go the other way (If you have serious thoughts to share, please keep expressing yourselves. But right now)
It's time to hand out the ROBBY ROBB BEST of the BOOGIE AWARDS!
And the Award for:

- MOST COURTEOUS OUT-OF-TOWN GUEST goes to Lisa a.k.a. Mouth for actually laughing at Johnny Devine: Dropzone Lawyer {Dramatic music: duh-duh-duuhhhhhh} 's jokes instead of laughing directly at Johnny, which is all that his real friends usually do.

-FIRST ONE TO GET SLOPPY DRUNK AND MAKE ME TO WANT TO HIT HER WITH ONE OF KELLY'S POOL CUES goes to. ....Oh gee! Wanna just guess who won that one?! Give you a hint: if she's happy and she knows it we ALL get to hear about it for the next 6 F***ING HOURS!!!. (BTW: No offense to the Gay community, but Harry Potter's a F**!!)

-BEST AUDITION FOR MTV'S JACKASS goes to your own LocoBoco for the accidental Electric One-Way. (Yes it was accidental, you think I'm stupid enough to do that on purpose?!) Unfortunately, as we all know, if it isn't on video it never happened. And I'd like to see one of you p*ssies try it!

-DROPZONE LIFESAVER and ALL-AROUND BESTEST BUDDY goes to Blaine a.k.a. mi hermano Pico De Gallo for being brave enough to ruin everyone's fun by disconnecting me (...eventually!) before I in fact died. And of course for holding Ann Marie's hair while she proved there's not always room for Jell-o.

-LEAST LIKELY TO GET A JOB AS AN EMT goes to Chris Spence for standing there laughing at me while I was paralyzed and near cardiac arrest.

-SWEETEST, LEGGIEST AND MOST EASILY TORMENTED MANIFEST BEEYOTCH goes to Ashley "Recurrent" Robertson who, for some reason, still can't remember to bring her sunscreen to work.

-WORLD'S GREATEST MAMAS go to my own Chiquita just for being Chiquita, and Mariposa a.k.a. Diablo Pantalones just for being Mariposa. ....and putting up with all the Jr. Varsity Cheerleader innuendo that makes my friends so f***ing charming.

{Circle the BEST ANSWER to the Following:}
Privacy is to Skydivers as:
a) eggs are to chickens
b) leaves are to trees
c) water is to ocean
d) calculus is to monkeys

and finally, the award for
-BEST END OF THE BOOGIE-WEEKEND MOMENT and MOST WELL-EARNED NICKNAME goes to Kevin "Cheech" Dunn a.k.a. Towelly the Talking Towel for that really beautiful sunset off-landing which all of us so enjoyed watching from the hangar.
Really Kevin, it was so much more impressive than you made it sound! To pull out-the-door @ 15,500' on a 370 ft/sq canopy and STILL manage to miss the God Damned airport! Dude! you must be some kind of geometry genius to have pulled that one off! (He claims he was "distracted by a cloud." {No shit! That's actually what he said, just ask him!} But I think he was just dizzy from trying to inhale it.)

You're all winners, give yourselves a hand. And righteous THANKS to EVERYONE who made this thing happen.

(Edited to add): Thanks to the sweaty Brit for the loan on his rig. Gotta LOVE a canopy that gives you an extra 10 seconds of flight when you flare it at 4' WooHoo! And maybe I will take your advice on the hair Lee, it could be time for a change. Let me know next time you go to get yours cut and I might head down to the hardware store with you.

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You forgot me you C ouch not allowed that word Dont i get the award for best party thrown with the most people at hold em. Rachael for best head lights. And lisa for beating Marcus in the midget competition. All of you glad you came down and had fun. On a funny note spence and i were talking today and theres a new rule..Rule you say. Yes at any roamingdz boogie in the future. By any means will there be no bitching, whinning, , polotics,religion, or anything associated with no fun. If anyone breaks the rule then its an instant case of beer (24)also, don't forget our wedding October 2nd in Monticello heres directions and sign the guest bookhttp://weddings.theknot.com/pwp/view/co_main.aspx?coupleid=3218227010717185 see you all this week-end or in 3 weeks ...i will pay up the jumps to all who drank the tequila
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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Skydive Tallahassee 10 Year Anniversary...

Apparently, there is much people have to say about this event, so I might as well express my opinions.

First, it was great to see everyone that I have met the last two years at Rantoul in there natural habitat. It's like seeing an alligator in a zoo versus running across one in a swamp, the behavior of all involved is strikingly different. (Marcus, Justin, Aubrey, Dave, Bill, Cindy, TomL, ChrisK, and Mickey just to name people off the top of my head)

You all seem to have a very strong bond in spite of the recent disagreements, misunderstandings, or inappropriate behavior that occurred which had three of my four best friends from "The Other Quincy" not be able to be at the DZ for the party... I don't know what actually happened, but from what I've heard it is doesn't seem to be something which should have ended up the way it did...ANYWAY!

Tyler and my wife, Rebecca, had a great time. It took us a little while to get Tyler to understand that you guys weren't just my friends, you were his friends... Thanks for showing him the time of his life!!!

Tyler discovered the most important thing I get out of Boogie's, partying with new found friends and the excitement of seeing them again in the future... (Glenn, Kevin, Rob (after we got past the issues of Friday night :)
The worst thing for me though was being forced to choose who to party with on Saturday night. Sorry Marcus I would have enjoyed downing a few with you, as you surely remember from Rantoul, but the reason I even considered coming down there was to hang out with Whitley and Lee. As I told Lee before I came down "If the weather sucks we'll just sit around and drink for three days" I was completely ready to do that, but Lee convinced me to go out to the DZ and get some jumps in and say hi to everyone. I'm glad he did, you have a great facility with a great bunch of people. I would have really missed out had Lee, Brandy, and I gone somewhere else to jump.

I hope you all can get beyond whatever happened. It definitely would have been completely different had this party taken place a month earlier.

Either way, I can't wait to party with you again at Rantoul next year;) and if any of you want to come party in SoCal I'm 20 minutes from Perris, Elsinore, and the Ontario Airport and have plenty of room...:)

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Sorry I missed you Tony.I am glade to hear you and the family had a great time.You know Lee continued to promote the boogie because he loves his freinds and wants them all to have a great time.
Some one said there was a rumer about a bad vibe at Skydive Tallahassee.
Think they were making that up. I have never heard anyone say that. Quite the opposite. Tally has the best vibe and best skydivers , best Pilot and plane in the business. Inspite of MC the vibe is one thing she and ED cant kill.
You guys keep the love growing and your home will always be a great fun place to fellowship inspite of MC and ED.
Brian I wasnt banned from Skydive Tallahassee it was more like I felt unwelcome and was told I wasnt welcome there so I moved on and havent looked back.I shared the love for 7 years and enjoyed them all. I think it was time to move on. The eb and flow of the vibe seems to demand that we move around so we dont forget the great feelings and experiances we had when we found this great sport and the people who have become our family. You dont own Skydivers and should not treat them as if you do we long to be free and will be in the end.
Hope to see you all in the air soon.
The next 110 boogie I am not going to work I want to spend the hole weekend jumping with my friends. lets do a 15 Tally way or maybe a 22 way formation with the caravan and porter.

Uncle/Papa:ph34r: Whit

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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The only thing I felt was awkward in regards to the vibe was there seemed to be a struggle with dominate/avoid being dominated going on. I only saw what was happening as an outsider, but I experienced some pushing and pulling that took away from my enjoyment of the event.

I saw this type of thing happen at the DZ where I started jumping when what the DZO wanted in regards to the business changed.

I'm not saying that is what's happening at Skydive Tallahassee, it's just something I noticed from a past experience. Had I not had that experience previously I may not have even noticed it.

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By the way Brian I have enjoyed watching you grow and come out of your shell as a person and as a skydiver.

It was awsome to see you at the farm and I look foward to seeing you this weekend.
Lets get some jumps this weekend..

Duster Tony have you heard from Aussie James????
Wasnt he a great kid???

Uncle/Papa WhitB|

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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OK everyone. its time to call this situation over. we are all here just to have fun and skydive also shag now and then but thats a bonus. Its manifesting into something that a year from now we'll be like what the F!@# happened here. You got into a p!@@ing match over that..How about we kidnapp the DZO and drag her ass up to a fun boogie and just bloody jump. Put all the bickering to one side. And remember, any bickering you owe beer (24) this is not why i skydive people. And its not why you lot do either. Who cares at the end of the day anyway. I only jump to get chicks now im getting married so im joining a bowling league..lol We know where she lives , lets just rent an RV like we planned for the mountain boogie and save a slot. no bullshit just fun...All in favor say aye
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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You know kidnapping is a violent felony.B|

Its a non-punishable offense if you bring the kidnap-ee's rig along.. B|

so guys were are we taking chaoskitty this weekend it wont be kidnapping as long aS WE GET HER RIG AS WELL. HEHEHE:ph34r:


Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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P.S.: Whiltey, what is your favorite liquor?

I dont drink liquor so it will be a bottle of your favirite with the date and your signature on it.
There will be a big party where we all get to share.
Maybe once or twice a year.


Uncle/Papa Whit

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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Wow. I did not realize there was all that politics going on at the DZ. Anyways, I had a great time. It was my first visit at the DZ and Perry jumped out naked with me, Eric D., Eric O., and Carrie(tandem) for his 3000th on the sunset KingAir load. Congrats Perry for your 3000 and Congrats Carrie for your first!!!!.

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and finally, the award for
-BEST END OF THE BOOGIE-WEEKEND MOMENT and MOST WELL-EARNED NICKNAME goes to Kevin "Cheech" Dunn a.k.a. Towelly the Talking Towel for that really beautiful sunset off-landing which all of us so enjoyed watching from the hangar.
(He claims he was "distracted by a cloud." {No shit! That's actually what he said, just ask him!} But I think he was just dizzy from trying to inhale it.)

Oh my goodness!!! That is classic. I think I need a bumper sticker w/ that on it!!!:ph34r::ph34r:

"No officer, I haven't been drinking, I was distracted by a cloud!"

Love you Kev. You always make me smile:). And btw, you can use my blanket any time!!

Kelly, you and your gf were fabulous for hosting all of our crazy, loud, drunk, jello-shootin, MISFIT asses. Huge thanks.

NY Brian...Thanks for this thread...I'll get you a beer anytime!

Lee, what a sweet ride on your bike, amongst everything else! And that is a great big "HELL NO I don't want to do wheelies in traffic"!!:D

Marcus, you and me on the dancefloor baby!!
Staticline John...this is one shaggin fellow!

Robby Robb, Don't ever forget your mamas!!

All my Georgia Roaming DZ Boogie Crew:
Anne Marie, J, Blaine, Bob, Rachel, Chris and Lisa
I couldn't ask for a better group of friends to assist in my misfit weekends.

Someone said that all skydivers have two things alike. They like to jump out of planes...and they don't quite 'fit in' anywhere else (i.e. misfits). I've always felt like people don't understand me. I can be and strive to be good/nice to everyone. I have no alterior motives. I am a strong woman and strive to 'be the best I can be', but I don't mean to intimidate. I'm just being me. You have all welcomed me w/ open arms and it shows time and time again when we travel and boogie hop together. All my love to my skydiving friends I have met, jumped w/, partied w/ and have yet to meet. My heart is truly big enough...((((((((SMILES))))))))((((((((KISSES)))))))))):)
I wonder if all sports just keeps getting better...:)
I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!

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-BEST END OF THE BOOGIE-WEEKEND MOMENT and MOST WELL-EARNED NICKNAME goes to Kevin "Cheech" Dunn a.k.a. Towelly the Talking Towel for that really beautiful sunset off-landing which all of us so enjoyed watching from the hangar.
(He claims he was "distracted by a cloud." {No shit! That's actually what he said, just ask him!} But I think he was just dizzy from trying to inhale it.)

I wouldn't lie or anything, it was a really cool cloud. With the sun setting the way that it was it was all pink and shimmering you should of seen it. Well maybe not since I didn't quite make it back. Also it wasn't really the first clouds that got me, those were up wind, it was the cute little one that I dove that 370 ft canopy through that got me downwind a half mile. That cloud had seemed so small and yet when I went through it it was pretty dense, and it had some great swirling action going on inside of it. Right out of the movie Brazil. Was great seeing ya again Serenity I look forward to the next time.... will you be doin night jumps at the farm?

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who said pot wasn't a hullicigen..wow kev where do you shop? I heard it was a clear day not a cloud in sight....lol Hey Kelly, you still wanna jump your canopy??? hehe
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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