
info on the ipod

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The iPod is the greatest invention next to the airplane and the parachute.:P

I have the 20GB model and I would be lost without it. I use it while at work and I've got it wired into the AUX input in my monster car stereo.

I've put it in people's hands with no instructions and they're using it like a pro after only 45 seconds of playing around on it. Including my 65 year old mother.

It's also a great firewire HD and I use it to transfer files between computers when I don't have it too loaded down with music.

I'm able to keep about 3500 songs on mine and you can setup playlists for your favorite tracks.

It's good for about 10 hours on a charge if you don't use the backlight and about 5-7 hours if you do. The backlight is bright, so much so that I lay it face-down in the seat when I'm driving at night and the display is extremely easy to read.

Can you tell I love my iPod?B|
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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do you have to pay for the songs or can i get them from KAZAA or somthing like that?

pleading the fifth,

i have the older 20gb version and i will see kris' planes and parachutes and raise him sliced bread.

firewire is a common interface ieee 1394. like supafast usb, only better.

a year ago the 20gb was $500.

the new ones are out now i think and have alot of great improvements and i am toolazy to look up the current price for your lazy ass.

get one. they handle freefall well.
namaste, motherfucker.

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The main things keeping me from buying one are the following:

1) Its a harddrive based system. Therefore it is not shockproof. Running and other strenuous activities are probably not recommended.

2) Max altitude. 10,000 feet as listed on the iPod spec sheet. Would be nice to take it up on the ride to altitude, as well as on hop'n'pops and such. Being above 10,000ft is probably not recommended.

3) Its pretty expensive. I'm not going to pay $400 (newest 15 gig model) when its going to be useless (or less useful) in a few years.

So I guess I will just stick with my solid-state Samsung (128meg) mp3 player.. not the best.. but for around 100 bucks it works..

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ive logged more than a hundred jumps from 13k with mine and it is still kickin. solo jumps and sunset clear-n-pulls are also supercool with the right soundtrack. pro-dit cuts right through.

most modern hard drives can survive extraordinarily high G-force impacts when not spinning, and they are tougher than you might think even when spinning. i got some nice dents to show. my ipod has 'character'

as far as concerns on durability r.e. jumping, any measure you take to prevent it from falling offa you will be sufficient to protect it from damage.

128mb? bah, i fart in your general direction! 20GB!:P
namaste, motherfucker.

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The iPod now lets you do a whole lot more in addition to maintaining your contacts, calendar and to-do lists. iPod now includes Solitaire, Brick and Parachute, three great games you can play anywhere (a feature you’re sure to appreciate the next time you’re standing in line or waiting for someone). You can even use your own music as the soundtrack to a game.

anyone notice that game????
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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Yep! SBS has jumped with his as well, and absolutely loves it! Says it can be heard in freefall and itsn't too loud under canopy then either.

Just be careful out there, guys, if you decide to follow suit. Something about 'distraction' would make a very sad outcome...


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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1) Its a harddrive based system. Therefore it is not shockproof. Running and other strenuous activities are probably not recommended.

A friend of mine was the BASE instructor at one of the world's busiest cliffs this summer. He took his iPod on virtually every jump (so, about 5 hours of hiking and three BASE jumps per day). I don't know if this meets your definition of "strenuous", but the iPod seemed to be doing just fine at the end of the summer.

I've owned an original 5g iPod since about a week after they released them (coming up on three years now). It's got lots of "character", and is still going strong.
-- Tom Aiello


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1) Its a harddrive based system. Therefore it is not shockproof. Running and other strenuous activities are probably not recommended.

A friend of mine was the BASE instructor at one of the world's busiest cliffs this summer. He took his iPod on virtually every jump (so, about 5 hours of hiking and three BASE jumps per day). I don't know if this meets your definition of "strenuous", but the iPod seemed to be doing just fine at the end of the summer.

Too true. The iPod is a hard drive based system, but it also contains a 32MB buffer. The drive only spins to load the data into the buffer. Thus, the drive is stopped with the magneto-resistive head parked at a safe place on the platter. It is essentially a player with no moving parts at that point.:)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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I have had a 20gb model for nearly a year. It is a great piece of technology. I have all my kids' music loaded on it, my wife's and mine and when we go on trips it is easy to play whatever we want without hauling cds around, changin the cds in the 20 disc changer, etc.

I use mine to make backups of my family digital photos, video projects as well as put contacts and calendars into.

Apple just announced new 20bg and 40gb models this morning. $499 for 40 gb that will hold ~ 10,000 songs.

They all come ready to go on Windows with USB2 connectivity as well as Firewire for Macs or Windows machines so equipped. They may be a few bucks more but you get so much storage and extra functionality it is well worth the extra cost.

I have no hesitation in recommending an iPod. None whatsoever.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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do ya gotta pay for songs?:o

or can u get them somwhere for free?
all i need is a yes or a no, i can handel the rest.;)

Of course, you can download sample tracks from the internet. And, you could put them on your iPod. But that would be highly illegal, and you'd definitely get arrested, and probably sentenced to life in prison... :)
-- Tom Aiello


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2) Max altitude. 10,000 feet as listed on the iPod spec sheet. Would be nice to take it up on the ride to altitude, as well as on hop'n'pops and such. Being above 10,000ft is probably not recommended.

Probably not much of an issue given that the time of exposure is so brief. They use 10,000' since that's above the pressure altitude of commercial flights, so you can use it on you trans-Atlantic without worrying about it burning itself out..


So I guess I will just stick with my solid-state Samsung (128meg) mp3 player.. not the best.. but for around 100 bucks it works..

A Yepp? The wife and I have one each, too. I sometimes jump mine when I wear a full face and don't have to supervise somebody else. Sounds great under the full face. Gotta make sure you lock out the controls or the slightest bump of a button will make it stop or go into some annoying mode like "intro" and leave it playing the first 10 seconds of every song for the rest of the jump!


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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Apple is now offering Applecare for the iPod for $59. Covers the battery, among other things, for two years from date of purchase.

Lori, you might be able to buy Applecare for your iPod. I think you can purchase Applecare for a year after purchase.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I looked into buying one tonight....Damn WalMart had a guy that was like 500 years old working the electronics department.

I asked him, "Do you have iPods?"
He just kinda looked at me strange and said, "Whats that?"

I told him that it was I think an MP3 player.
He asked,"Whats that?"

I said it was something like a CD player.
He asked, "Whats that?"

I told him it was like you took Benny Goodman and put him into a small box you could carry..

"You mean like a phonograph?"

"Yes" I told him.

"How do you get them in there?"

"Never mind"

So now I am back at friends house and iPod less....This really sucks frankly...I was going on a 40 mile bike ride tomorrow and wanted tunes.

So my question...And the reason I posted this....

Can I take my iPod (If I every manage to get one) and transfer music FROM it to my PC?

I have been told no.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Yes, you can transfer the files from your ipod to your PC. The files are hidden so you you need to go to windows explorer and turn on 'show hiiden files' to see them.

Then just copy and paste them as per normal.

They aren't grouped in nice files structures like artist though.

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